Hey I was just wondering what people's opinions on the maitreya is. I've read some on alice bailey about the masters of wisdom and Benjamin creme and just would like to know if anyone has any sources to disprove or prove some of the claims they make. Also Benjamin creme said the maitreya has made appearances on tv but I tried and couldn't find the interview. Does anyone have any information on this or where I could find the interview.
I've always gotten strange
I've always gotten strange feelings from that stuff, and don't put much faith in it myself. The maitreya stuff strikes me as being the Buddhist version of the second coming of Jesus. I don't believe a "world teacher" is coming to fix everybody's problems.
One thing about Ascended
One thing about Ascended Masters, nobody has seen them who has not asked for an appearance. If you call on them, you are heard. To place a judgement on these beings can only come from a 3rd dimentional thought. If any communication is to be real, an open heart and open mind will likely get the best results. Only the serious seeker will find any answers. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The only opinion that matters is yours. First step to understanding is to realize where the Masters are on the spiritual plane. Their vibration has risen higher than what we here in the 3 rd dimention only get rare glimpses of. A personal show is most likely to consist of at first a reply to your questions back to you in your own voice. Or there may just be a feeling that you have been given something that you now "just know to be so". Keep your questions simple at first. It is a safe bet that if the seeker is testing the Ascended Master network trying to debunk their exsistance, no answers will come. It may be of value to first be able to discern the difference between our own spirit/soul and our human self. Angels and Ascended Masters all must practice non-interfearance so to not interupt our free will with information we are not ready for. Everyone is at different light understanding levels. But, few people understand what their soul path is. These pathways of discovery like anything else require study and discernment. Truth is something which any individual may confirm for themselves answering to nobody but themselves. With more information our old truth may have just been a way to get where you are going. It wasn't wrong but, just another way of how not to do it. An open heart will learn to move out of old belief when loyalty to an untruth is released. Bless it and move on. Each individual is in charge of healing ourselves. You can give that power away or do it yourself. Be very careful. Take responsability for your actions isn't easy. What you do with Wisdom is more important than having the knowledge. That is called Virtue.