Manette Mays ~ New Year’s Inspirations

Lia's picture 

manettemaysManifesting the content of our heart happens constantly. The trouble is — most of us don’t like the picture our heart shows us. Our hearts are weighed down with the sludge of fear and life experiences we have yet to heal and we’d really like to ignore all that. The musty heavy lifting of healing work seems overwhelming when life is already starving us of divinity.

When our life isn’t blossoming into the garden we deserve it’s because our heart is filled with stones of pain. Those rocks are manifest on our path as roadblocks. Those obstacles show us our pain and our fear so we can heal and continue to manifest. That’s right, even when we’re manifesting a flat tire or an argument with a loved one we are manifesting. Our heart is reflecting to us exactly what we need to know to evolve.

We think that when we experience lack, rejection, ill health or drama that we are having trouble manifesting. We’re having trouble all right but it is because of what we’re manifesting! Lack is fear, no matter what we perceive as missing from our lives be it love, money or meaningful occupation, the cause is a dirty heart. A heart can only manifest sweetness and delight from a space of innocence and believe it or not that is exactly where the heart is ALWAYS headed. Even when it hurts. The heart chakra energy is always guiding us back to the zero point field of creation.

In order to feel innocence, the sweet place of creation, it takes forgiveness. The true definition of innocence is “lack of guilt”. We forgive ourselves first and we forgive others. Every criticism or judgment we lay on another becomes an occlusion in the crystal prism heart. Situations for which it appears that others must be forgiven tell us what needs to be cleared and released. We should never stand and accept abusive or destructive behavior from others however we must learn to accept that everyone is doing the best they can with what they know – period.

Even when people have every intention of inflicting harm, pain, destruction on others still – they know not what they do. They are acting thinking and being from their pain. If they knew something else, they would behave otherwise. Notice the word is “know” not “think”. Lots of us “think” we’re doing the right thing but knowing is spiritual. It emanates from our connection to source and provides emotional information that can’t be deciphered from denial and fear.

When we rely on the spiritual voice in our heart center we receive peace. When we look outside and allow ourselves to focus on the idea that the so called “offender” had every intention of ruining our day and causing pain that’s we feel – more pain. Choosing to know that the person who cut us off or neglected to fulfill a promise was simply unable to do better creates freedom. The roadblock is set free to evolve and we ascend our souls beyond 3D. We continue peace, manifest peace and 5D living for humankind.

We humans have failed miserably and have done terrible things in separation. Indulging in condemnation of poor behavior recreates the vibration of that act makes it part of our energy field. Like vampires, closed- hearted people have perpetuated the dark virus of pain and it spread throughout our family, and community. We live in an amazing vibration and the frequency of Gaia is forcing us to evolve. Manifestation is speeding up!

We can keep up by choosing love. Once we accept responsibility for self-healing it becomes pointless to blame our mothers for not teaching us what no one taught them and we forgive our fathers for not providing love they never received. We evolve as we vow to share the love we always wanted. Judgment and the inability to forgive is as much a violence to humanity as war. Stop it. Find your innocence and your heart will manifest your beauty back to you.

Lovingly, Manette

Copyright (c) 2014 Manette Mays * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
