Regarding The Manuscript of September 15 and synchronicity, I had a great reading from Jana (MoonGoddess999) on September 12, where she mentioned the “King of Kings” being born that day, and we couldn't figure out what it meant, at the time. But she heard it clearly and said it was spoken in a very dramatic way, like the way it would be spoken to an audience in a Shakespearean play. This is what she received and relayed to me verbatim:
"Behold the king of kings is born this great day! We are pleased that he has been guided to be a part of your life Cheri! Help this being of light on his journey. For you are the key, the mentor, the light on his path. Keep him safe and warm in your loving arms."
Three days later, this is what Aisha said to ALL of us in The Manuscript of Survival – Part 196:
"...your body and your mind has yet to register the arrival of the ‘newborn’ to call it that. In other words, you have yet to see the progeny you are all in the midst of bringing forth...For you are in so many ways literally giving birth to the new world that you are so longing for, as it is through your bodies that the most important parts of these energetic uploads are being carried.”
I think the message to me in my reading might have actually been a message intended for all of us, at least those of us trying to do lightwork and to be wayshowers. The "King of Kings," I believe, is the "newborn" and "progeny" that Aisha speaks other words, we are all being downloaded with the Christed light and energetic uploads to help us give birth to the new world, aka Ascension. The words in my reading, taken in this context, nicely complement what Aisha said only a few days later. So the King of Kings was not a literal Christ figure in human form; it was not about a physical childbirth or a physical being. The King of Kings is the Light that we all agreed to anchor here at this time, and the words from both Jana and from Aisha confirmed that we are doing it. In fact, one part of my reading said: "Now the H =Horizon = the sun is rising and setting on your beautiful new reality. You are really doing this!!!"
In the last five days, since that reading, I have witnessed and captured incredibly random and beautiful sunrises and sunsets on film, which brings me to another correlation between Jana’s and Aisha's messages. Jana mentioned sunrises and sunsets a couple times in my reading. Besides the H=Horizon statement above, she also said: "Advachiel thanks you for being the voice of hope for others and for understanding that sunrises are the results of sunsets. A beautiful sunrise is on your horizon.” She said this part of my reading got her choked up—the way she feels when something especially resonates—and that spirit was definitely sending me a message. Then Aisha’s Manuscript of Survival said:
"For now, the sun has finally risen over the horizon, and it will never set again, no matter how hard those old tricksters will try to sling their mud matter how hard they try, they can only leave a few smudges. For you are no longer dimmed down, dear ones, you have started to shine in earnest..."
The last point I want to make about The Manuscript message has to do with something I mentioned to another lightworker not too long ago, where I said that maybe the reason some of us are not with our soul families at this time on earth is because we need to be spread out around the globe to pull this off (this Ascension task), and we NEED to have a strong connection between us, no matter the distance, in order to create the impenetrable, strong filament that Aisha spoke of. A filament that nothing can destroy. For the moment, as we see this process through, it is necessary for each of us to be exactly where we are and to remain connected, as Aisha pointed out:
"...without you serving as anchors for these injections of energy, this whole operation would be futile indeed. Hence, the need for all of you ”foot soldiers” to call you that, as we, as less tangible participants, would not be allowed to intervene in any way....You are as beacons, but the combined effect of all of you far outshines the effect you have as singular light sources. So you are in effect creating a strong energetic filament crisscrossing this whole globe..."
It brings to mind an image of an endless string of Christmas tree lights, where one light(worker) is connected to the next light(worker), which is connected to the next, and the next, and so on, each shining as brightly as the rest; all of us equal. Another symbol Jana saw for me was a symmetrical “Christmas tree cookie cutter shape...with a break down the middle.” She said it symbolized: “Yin and Yang merging into one unified being; of light flowing freely in the night.” That's us.
Love to all. Keep shining!