A simple segment about the physical matrix humans are living in. Many interpret the Matrix to be something about the constructs around us, that aren't real in the sense of our educational system, banking system etc, which is true to some extend. Its only one of many matrix' .. the biggest Matrix humans aren't aware of, is that we are spirits living in a body, that we are experiencing a limited reality of physicality, which is to learn how to evolve as humans in a body for better good, as individuals and as a collective. This is the biggest truth that has been pulled over your eyes, making you blind from the truth. Fear and ego are simply large programs that wants to teach you something about your true self, make you aware of certain aspects. Some you have created by your own illusions, other are frequencies, vibrations put there to make you aware, and overcome your fears. Ego has for a long time played a major part of people lives,controlled them, yet can't comprehend how controlling it is. Jealousy, envy, hate, competition, lies, fighting, killing, consumerism, materialsm, simply put, mental things. Thinking in the head. "Disconnection" from the heart, of what to feel, and act upon in positive manners, towards collaboration, co-existing and much more.
Can you see,feel how much fear is around you, that you allow yourself to feel and see?
Is it something you want to allow yourself to experience, does it benefit you any good in any way?
Are humans mature when it comes to living together?
War, fighting, hating, me,me,me,me, money and more.
Or are they simply put, children in a huge sandbox? Living the illusion of seperation?
Much love to you all !!