Matthew's Message: April 2, 2017's picture
Message from Matthew
April 2, 2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We thank everyone who expressed appreciation for our explanation of ascension from this vantage point, and we want to share one reader’s delightful perspective:  
     “Ascension (to me) is like being the best that you can be....whatever that is!!! If you dance, be the best dancer. If you sing, be the best singer. If you garden, be the best gardener. If you paint, be the best painter. Be the best that you can be!!! By being the best that you can be you are restoring your soul (energy - inner chi life force) and raising your vibrational frequency... This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine!!!
     “I think the main content that needs to be reiterated is, ‘Stop looking outside of yourself for answers. Go within!!!’ The answers are inside. Connect with your heart, which is a powerful, divine organ.”
Indeed! Often we have urged you to heed your intuition, messages to the consciousness from the soul, wherein all truth is known; and in one of God’s talks with my mother, He told her, “The heart is the seat of the soul.” The composition of the soul is the energy of love and it is in the heart area where the love sensation is felt. It’s with good reason that you say “I love you with all my heart” and add little heart symbols to love notes and send heart-embellished valentines to people especially dear to you.  
“Very informative and thank you so much. What I still don't understand is where The Golden Age fits in [ascension]. Or does it?”  Oh yes, absolutely it fits in. Imagine Earth’s ascension as a train that completely encircles the globe and its passengers as souls on their own ascension journey. About 80 years ago this train started inching along in virtual darkness and everyone got aboard. Throughout the decades since then, the train picked up steam as it traveled around and around the world, infants got on and people of all ages got off, and Earth became brighter and brighter. This train/passenger trip will continue until Earth is brilliantly agleam and the glories of her Golden Age are in full bloom—this is the train’s destination. Passengers still on board may stay at that station briefly or for a century or more, but they and every other soul who rode on the train as it kept circumnavigating the planet will continue their personal journey to reintegrate with the Supreme Being of this universe.