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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, or the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about JOY!

Full moons are a time for releasing, a time of letting go. The Full Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak! This Full Moon in Scorpio can be very intense! This Scorpio Full Moon shines it’s bright full light in the darkest of places…….to encourage us to look deep into our Soul, and the mysteries that surround ourselves and the Earth. Scorpio is a water sign and is drenched in emotions and insights. It is very passionate and intense. Scorpio is about power, natural shamanism, Earth spirituality, psychic gifts, money, sacred sex and Trust. Scorpio represents the transformation of our Soul’s and the Soul of the Earth. With this Scorpio Full Moon……we have the ability to move into the higher Scorpio energies of the Earth Spirituality, along with acknowledging the wisdom of the elders. We can pull on the high psychic abilities that are emphasized now…. for the good of all. Stay out of the gray side of Scorpio....which is…jealousy, manipulation, control, judgment, lies, secrets, possessiveness etc. Scorpio’s transformation can be seen through, life & death……release and reconstruction…..and the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes. The releasing can come from deep down in your Soul! It is a time for Soul searching. Go deep within yourself……your soul, and see what comes to you. There are many things that you might need to look at, from childhood traumas, to things that you are reacting to now. When Scorpio is activated we can be faced with our inner and our outer demons. This can feel uncomfortable at times…..but that is Pluto/Scorpio territory. 

What is deep in your Soul that needs transformed? What might you be avoiding…….that you would prefer wasn’t there, so you wouldn’t have to look at it? What do you need to release at this Full Moon in the areas of jobs, all types of relationships, old habits, old thought processes that are no longer working for you, and in all areas of your life? What have you out grown, that is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating, that you now need to move away from? 

Full Moons also ask us to balance and integrate 2 opposing signs. This Full Moons polarity is Taurus (the Sun is in Taurus). We have talked about Scorpio above….so with Taurus there is a connection with the physical world…the Earth, our body’s, our senses and beauty. Taurus is about working outside in your garden and growing your own food, medicine, and flowers Taurus is about self-survival, self esteem, our values, creativity, the comfort of our homes, and being practical. Watch out for the gray side of Taurus which is being stubborn, low self esteem, and reclusive. It is a time where you are being asked to bring these Scorpio and Taurus energies into balance….

We are being asked to clarify what we cherish in our lives, and what we need to transform. We are learning to balance security with evolution and change. We are learning to not become reclusive with our resources, but to share them in community. We are being asked to balance the Male (Scorpio) & Feminine (Taurus), the Yin & Yang energies etc.. We are being asked to look at our values. We are being asked to see through our awareness…….that which has form and where our materialistic values are (Taurus)…….to that which is based upon the unseen, but deeply felt…….Spiritual values and higher dimensions (Scorpio). We are being asked to find the balance between them…….in the highest Spiritual way, and in an appropriate healthy manner. 

It is a time of letting go……purging! Even if it makes you feel like you are out of control……it is time to release control and allowing the energy to flow…….

DURING THIS SCORPIO FULL MOON WE HAVE SATURN…..traveling with the Moon….magnifying the energies of Scorpio even more. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and Pluto is part of the Cardinal Grand Cross that we have been dealing with over the last few months. Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are also in mutual reception (Saturn rules Capricorn and Pluto rules Scorpio)….making the Affinity between them even more powerful. The main message here is that structures that are no longer working….in all areas of your life……that are no longer coming from integrity and respect….need changed and transformed. It is time to take accountability for the choices you have made, or not made. It is time to look at your actions and your behaviors…to see where things might need to transform and change. It is time to look at your shadow side!! The Universe is saying: No lies, No secrets, No manipulation, No judgments, No control, No out of bounds Ego etc. Within the Government, military, stock market, banks, corporate America, sex, earth spirituality, and yourselves… etc. Again the theme is being accented!! The Universe is speaking loudly! Listen!!!!!

DURING THIS SCORPIO FULL MOON …..WE ARE STILL IN THE MISDTS OF THE CARDINAL GRAND CROSS. We have been through some extremely intense energy over the last few months that hit a peak (one of many) in the middle of April. We are still incorporating and embodying these energies……along with taps on our shoulders from the Universe, and seeds that have been planted. This is a lot of energies moving through us and around us……along with the Earth. The Earth is also purging and in April…..set a record for the most Earthquakes. Listen to your body…….if you feel tired……rest. Remember that we agreed to be here during this shift……and we have been through many activation's, portals, and downloads. We are strong and are pioneering our way through many changes and transformations. Most important……don’t forget that we are also assisting in the raising of the planetary frequencies…….

The Cardinal Grand Cross is formed by Pluto (transformation of the Soul, our Soul and the Soul of the Earth), squaring Uranus (constant change, thinking outside the box & humanity), squaring Jupiter (higher knowledge and higher Spiritual knowledge, master teachers, optimism, and Joy), squaring Mars (the warrior, the pioneer, the Male energy and passion). A square’s energies are: friction and stress. They mark turning points, they create crisis, that makes us change or be changed. Cardinal energy is about Change, Birthing of New and Urgency This Cardinal Grand Cross is initiating change and transformation while giving us the opportunity to distance and move away from things that no longer vibrate were we are vibrating as we shift into the higher energies of the “new”…..

WE ALSO HAVE VENUS (love, creativity and the feminine) SITTING WITH URANUS (thinking outside the box, radical, community, humanity) in this Cardinal Grand Cross. The Universe is again emphasizing the balancing of the feminine and the Male. Mars (the warrior, the pioneer, the Male energy and passion) is opposing Uranus/Venus in the Cardinal Grand Cross! This is the energy of radical shifts in relationships and some endings. Recognizing when it is time to distance from someone….who is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating, and to do it in the most compassionate way possible. We could also witness more shake ups, and wake up calls, breakdowns and breakthroughs playing out in all relationships……finances, your personal values, work, friends, and love relationships.

Venus sitting next to Uranus is also about the love of all……our tribe, the community, humanity, and the world! We are all created equal, no one is better than anyone else…………as we move into the Oneness! 

THE STAR SIRIUS is also being activated by Jupiter in the Cardinal Grand Cross. This is a powerful activation during this Scorpio Full Moon. The Universe is asking us to start new ways of communicating with and working with our ancient star systems. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and one of the closest. Historical links to Sirius are found in cultures around the world. Ancient Egypt based its calendar on Sirius helical rising; its culmination was celebrated during the initiations of the Eleusinian mysteries of Greece. The Dogon Tribe of Mali in Africa and the Maori in New Zealand trace their ancestry to Sirius. In esoteric Astrology, Sirius is considered to be our spiritual Sun, overseeing the awakening of humanity

THE STAR VEGA is being activated during this Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse by Pluto which is also part of the Cardinal Grand Cross. Vega is often referred to as the Sapphire Star and is in the constellation Lyre, “the little harp.” One area Vega represents is music, and Pluto (transformation) sitting on Vega, transforming music into the “new” in many different areas. Recently there has been an increase in the areas of “Healing with Music”. Expect and create more avenues to open up in all areas of Music, especially around the areas of healing. Vega was used by our ancient ancestors including those from Atlantis and early Egyptians. Music is considered an International language including the Galactic language. 

During this time you may be faced with some uncomfortable things that you may have to deal with, in all areas of life. However, with the Sun in Taurus, there can be some peace and serenity in the midst of Scorpio’s passionate emotions. Connect and sit with the Earth during this Full Moon. With the Full Moon in Scorpio and the Taurus Sun, we are looking at a time period that can be filled with passion and pleasure’s…

Manifest that the changes and transformation, the seeds that are being set, within ourselves, our community, all Humanity and the Earth itself, are sprouted and then harvested in the highest energies possible, with ease and grace…

It is an important time to take care of yourselves with all this very uncomfortable and intense energy. If you feel exhausted….rest! Try to be active and do things that bring you Joy. Remember everyone is feeling these energies, and we are all in this together. Try to be thoughtful and kind to others. Being of service, having fun, and being active outside……..while being one with the Earth…..are wonderful ways to channel these energies.

Meditate that you are able to be conscious of the downloads, and information that you have received over the last couple months, and that you continue to receive. Ask how you are supposed to use them to transform your Soul during this time, and what your part is in the transformation of Humanity and the Earth. 

Again Be careful and cautious this month as we are trying to incorporate many energies and down loads that we have been receiving. Watch where you’re walking, how your driving, and what you say…….as the energies are quite active and strong, They can come on quite suddenly and become frustrating. Watch others and ovoid those that seem out of balance. As we continue to move forward…..the energies will soften some as we begin to adjust to them……but still be cautious….

Manifest seeing yourself letting go of things and areas that are not vibrating where you are vibrating now. Do not hold on to them, but let them go……send them to the light…..and move forward with your “New.”

Release the old so the “new” can come in. Release all the “out of balance” areas of your life…… and within community/humanity…… and work at bringing them into balance. Connect with the Full Moon energy and Manifest and create balance in your life and all areas of your relationships. Create balance in your community, humanity, the Earth and throughout the Universe. Meditate and Listen to what you hear……what you are seeing, what you are feeling, and what you are “getting.” Manifest a beautiful reality and world. Manifest peace and Love. Meditate……be silent, focus and Listen!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading. Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2014 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved. 
Cathy Lindsey
Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology
