~Mayan Calendar - 25 days left - Koch Brothers Oil/ chemicals to Iran ~ ATF Fast & Furious

Lia's picture

There are just 25 days left in the Mayan Calendar, and events around the world are only confirming that we are awakening at least as a people, and possibly an entire solar system. From the sub-atomic level a dimensional shift in consciousness could alter how matter behaves at a sub-atomic level.

Right now we should see low energy vibrations being destructed. The thing to look for are the manifestations.

I think that I am starting to wrap my head around conscious as an interactive dimension. I believe that we are already physically equipped to handle any dimensional shift that is coming.

Last night I discovered Dolores Cannon. I've watched about an hour of her videos and they have completely blown my mind. It was one of those situations where a 47 minute video recorded years ago felt like it was just created specifically for you. Ever have one of those moments?

Oh, and Amanda Knox and her ex-boyfriend were released from prison in Italy!

Hooray for rising vibrations of consciousness!!!
