Who you are is our business. Ultimately it is everyone’s business. You see we are all one, all connected, all divine. Therefore what you do or become affects all of us. Do not turn your back on Angelic help; allow us to do our business with you. Allow us to help you to carry the load. Notice we did not say we will carry the load for you, but we are here to help you carry the load. We will take some of the weight off your shoulders, but it is you who will have to take the footsteps to move forward. Propel yourself toward who you desire to become, for in that desire is Truth. For in that desire is the memory of what you planned for yourself, what you knew for yourself was possible.
When you were born and moved thru the veil, you forgot. We all forgot, but now your desire is the spark to remember what you planned to do, to be, to share. You are not here arbitrally. You came with an agenda. An agenda filled with light, with hope, with peace. You knew you had the power to create, to heal. For you are a child of God, how could you not? Let others judge, let them say what they will for the fire burns in your heart and it is your flame and yours alone. Yet that flame if fanned with your desire will reach all, will heal all. For as we stated before what you do affects all of us. All this time you thought you were powerless, and in the new energies you are discovering you are powerful and filled with power. Direct this power first to yourself and your personal healing, then it will begin to flow to all and all will receive healing.
Cell by cell, molecule by molecule healing will unfold and a new era will dawn on Earth and her inhabitants. The new dawn carried forward by those like you, willing to be the change. Embrace your power, it is your birthright. Shine the light for others to see. Hold their hands when needed, guide them when they are blind, comfort them when they are scared. For have you not been there? Dear one you are loved, you are cherished, and you are our hero. Namaste.
Angel messaged via automatic writing
by Monique 9/11/201