This is a message from anonymous to the people of New York city, wall street and members of the protest. We are crowding your streets, we are filling its veins. This might be painful, but you will not open your eyes so we are being forced to dilate them. This your protest. Welcome your new neighbors for they choose to sleep on the streets for you. They choose to open their mouths when you are too exhausted, they are your brothers. They are here for your benefit, they are young, they are the children of the internet. They are generation zero. They are taking their future back into their hands. They are reviving the country you have long left to rot and whither, never forget this. Treat them with kindness. Nod your heads in respect to them. Give them water, shake their hands, the smallest gratitude will incite them.
Wall street: four years ago you saw that the country was brittle. You saw that it was ripe for the taking, and so you did. You shattered the country and collected the fragmented pieces to line your pockets. We stand here today, united and strong, 4 years later. We stand before your butcher block, before you slaughter house. Did you think that the people would not come to know what you have done? You sit before your trading screens, before your analysis. You are the players of the game and you play very well, and you rig the game even better. You care very little about the average American, mere pawns, but you have strongly misread the world. Your complete lack of compassion has left you with a grave error. The game is over wall street. You forget that a poor man will slit your belly to eat what you have already eaten. Can you hear us wall street? Can you hear our racket Goldman Sachs? Can you hear the defiant beating of our drums? Keep trying to belittle us pundits, you lap dogs of the elite. Keep trying to sum up this movement in a sound byte. This is a cultural crisis, and you are simply too stupid to understand it. We cannot be frightened by all the kings men for we are the court jesters. We will consume everything you throw at us and we will grow from it. This is our arab spring, this is our time.
Protesters: Savor the smell of tear gas, savor the feeling of pepper spray. Rejoice to your bruises and your tears. You are our generation's counter culture, you are our martyrs. Clench your fists and grind your teeth. Do not be moved and you will have fire breathed into you. Smile at the police, ignore the pundits, the worse it gets the stronger you become, the more hopeless your movement looks, the closer you are to success. You will be written into history. You will be backed up, we will not let your fire be smothered. We will not let your cries go idle.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forget.
We do not forgive.
Expect us.