Greetings Dear Friends & Family of Light,
This new wave of light weaving within our midst and upon your planet is the stuff you’ve been waiting for, for a long while. It is the energy of your essence, transmitting to you from within and being met from without, in accord. There is a powerful resonance of being taking place and for many of you, who for so long have not yet felt at home on Earth, this will change all that.
There is a homecoming happening energetically, and you can easily feel it within your heart. It’s enough to move you to tears, some of you, as this fuller knowing of who you are comes together. Regardless of how you respond to this energy the energy itself is realizing your deepest aspirations for life on Earth, dear ones. These are very dear hopes, and long-held visions for participating, for evolving, for collectively creating and for uplifting Earth and opening up the planetary matrix to other cosmic levels of being and light. It is a time to feel deep satisfaction and joy.
Life will never be the same and the Legion of Light, the Angelic Realm here and in the material, plays a significant part. Many of you are participating simultaneously in the Angelic Realm and from that focus you feel your essence on Earth. The same way that on Earth you sense your non-physical presence. There is increasing openness between Earth and all realms which means there is increasing openness and clear pathways for connection, communion and transmission between you and you and you and you and you …!
It is time for you to begin to merge with your more abstract aspects of being. And as you do this, you will remember more about how it is. Remembering is the most important thing you came here for and it is expanding. The remembering that is most powerful is the remembering that gives you a sense of knowing. A sense of knowing about it all. How it all works. What makes sense. Your expanded knowing is that part of you that when you encounter vast new ideas says, “Oh, of course. I knew that. Makes perfect sense.” These are moments that point out to you that your broader knowing is more present in your life then you typically think or notice. It sneaks in! Your essence. More and more whenever possible. Whenever you relax more, invite more, open more, it just flows in more. It’s totally natural, and it’s entirely the idea of how to be in your body, so it does not require your participation. Although you attention to it, is nice, and fun for you and gives you more awareness of what it feels like to be you.