A Message from Gaia

Lia's picture

Dear Gaia,
Please repeat what you told me last night.

Dear One who has heard me,
I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time.
However, first, I will soften the blow.

As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had vision, dreams and "fantasies" of "little green men", a tittle given to the magestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who are still in denial.

However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and compagnions through the process of transmutation, I speak to YOU, so that you can best speak to others.

Beloved humanity, the Time is NOW! This is NOT another "dress rehearsal".
Therefore, open up your High Heart and Third Eye, fasten your seatbelt and shift into high gear. People are going to need your leadership and counsel, as they will be receiving truths that will rock their perception of reality. We can wait no longer for those who will not see. Therefore, they are unprepared for what is about to commence.

You, my dear Leaders of fifth dimensional Earth, will be called upon in many ways to assist those in need and to bring order to any ensuing chaos. The Wisdom, Power and Love that you have had to keep a secret through our dark night, must now come into the Glory of our Dawning World.

I ask You, my fifth dimensional Leaders, to take off your masks and reveal your True, Multidimensional SELF. When the newly awakening ones see that their fellow humans are of the same ancestry as those who have come from the sky, they will be greatly re-assured. Then, as you assist them to understand their own multidimensional nature, they will swiftly adjust to their new world.

However, YOU will be the vanguard of that world. YOU will be the Light of Knowledge as the revelation of the myriad lies comes into public view. YOU will counsel others through their fear and sadness when they realize that those whom they had trusted had no concern for them in return. Most Important, YOU will guide them into their New World.

My dear Leaders, I invit you into the Core of my being where you may learn more from your Lemurian family. They will advise you as to how you best prepare others for their re-surfacing into "normal society". Of course, your society will never feel "normal" again.

As your third dimensional perceptions are neurologically integrated into your Multidimensional Operating System, perceptions of your third dimensional reality will continue to dim, while perceptions of the fifth dimension and beyond will become "normal".

You, my dear Spiritual Warriors, have fought for me, your planet, in many ways. Through your dedication to the planet on which you live, you have expanded your consciousness into Planetary-Unity Consciousness. Now, with the landings of my inhabitants from my past and protectors of our present, you are expanding your consciousness into Galactic-Unity Consciousness.

As your Higher Expressions of SELF from your various Homeworlds meet you, their grounded and ascending Earthly Self, your consciousness will expand to embrace ALL the memories and information of your Multidimensional SELF. This meeting of which I speak could occur either within your consciousness and/or in a physical manner.

Hence, just as my many plants and animals know when it is "time" to sprout leaves and grow flowers, mate and give birth, you my human ones, will KNOW that the season for change has come to you NOW.

In return for all that you have done for me, I have come to you in this NOW to offer you my assistance. You may ask, "How can a planet assit me to transmute my form?" I will answer your unspoken question by sending each and every one of you, collectively and individually, my uncondicional gratitude and uncondicional love.

Please take a moment NOW to deeply feel my gratitude for all that you have done...

Feel how I am embracing you, just as you might embrace one of my trees or animals...

Feel how my gratitude spurs you on to do one more thing, to contribute one more task. Then as you absorb my gratitude, please pass it on to all those who have assisted you and worked with you.

Now, take another deep breath to absorb the uncondicional love I have sent you...

Feel how my love lives within you as a blue sky, a clear pond, the dawning Sun shinning through the forest...

Feel my uncondicional love within every molecule of your earth vessel...
Allow this unconditional love to transmute those physical molecule into their Higher Expression of Light...

Experience the Light coursing through your body...
Hone in on individual cells that are having difficulty accepting my love...

These cells are the places in your body where you have stored fear.
Therefore, those molecules are the most resistant to change. Fear hates change and love embraces it.

Hence, focus your uncondicional love on these wounded components of your body...
Send each wounded molecule your deep gratitude for having the courage to protect the rest of your body by holding the fear inside its cellular structure...

Observe as the density of fear dis-articulates from each molecule...
Now, send uncondicional love to these living components of your earth body...

Also, send this love into your fourth dimensional Elementals....
Thank them for their service to your Spiritual Essence and send them your uncondicioanl love...

Now, feel your gratitude for the assistance of your Galactic Family...
Send that gratitude off in a wave of uncondicional love...

Please do this exercise as often as you can. Feel free to alter it in your own creative way. Remember, my dearest humans, I AM your Mother. I have loved you through your myriad incarnations on my form. Sometimes you were a heroe, and other times you were a coward. You were royalty and peasantry. You were deeply asleep and fully awakened.

You, my Ones, have completed your journey through time and polarity and are ready to return to the NOW of the ONE. Hold on tight Beloveds. We will be moving very fast now, and YOU will be called upon to be the Doing of your Being.

Time is ending, and the NOW is returning. Can you see my New Earth through the dimming veils of illusion? Yes, I knew that You could. That is why I, Gaia your Earth Mother, have called you to:

Remember to BE your SELF.

from http://suzanneliephd.bolgspot.pt/

We´re getting there guys!!!!!
Fasten your seatbelts!!!!!!!!!!!!

