Message from Matthew: October 23, 2017's picture
Message from Matthew
October 23,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. “Could you please ask Matthew to give us a message on how to get out of the fear circle.”  Let us first recommend that you not think of fear as a circle, which has no end, or, as expressed by others, a cycle, which implies automatic recurrence. The energy shifts that are happening with increasing frequency and profoundness are all to your advantage—beloved brothers and sisters, please do not forego a leap in spiritual and conscious awareness by letting fear dominate your thoughts and feelings.
Thoughts precede feelings by an infinitesimal gap, and when “what if” thoughts are about a dreaded outcome, fear about that imagined situation naturally follows. Change your thoughts! To you who wrote that you fear  not having enough money or losing your job, remember that the law of attraction brings to you whatever matches the energy of your thoughts and feelings—let those be of gratitude for what you do have, not fear about what you don’t or think you may lose. If your thoughts are about someone who is seriously ill or injured, pray for her or his highest good and send forth the unparalleled power of love energy, not the potent energy of fear. Do the same for the many millions who are in war zones or living in poverty or are homeless, and also to the dark ones, who most of all need it. And never fear that you are failing as a lightworker because you don’t know your mission—as divine souls created of the pure love-light essence of Creator, simply by BEing you are radiating that essence into the world.

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