Message from my Higher Self: 11. December 2015 by Mike Quinsey's picture


11th December 2015. Mike Quinsey.
Much is happening on your Earth at this time, most of which is out of sight so that you have little if any knowledge as to what is taking place. A fierce confrontation is occurring between the Light and dark Ones who are rapidly losing their influence. Gradually long suppressed inventions or advancements are coming into being, with those Light Beings involved sometimes risking their lives to be successful. However, they cannot stem the flow and the Light is lifting up all over the world. With an increase in the level of your consciousness, more souls than ever are suddenly becoming aware of how for centuries they have been misled. Time has virtually stood still as the dark Ones have ensured that new inventions that would have lifted you up, have been held back. Be assured that it can only be a temporary delay, as you are destined to leap ahead before this present cycle ends.
Once you start to benefit from new technologies the need to spend most of your time earning a living will slowly change. Inventions that take the drudgery out of life are waiting to be made known, and once they are in use you will also become more independent. Prosperity will ensure that all will benefit from the changes, and poverty will become a thing of the past. Until now the wealth of the world has been in the hands of a small minority who have purposely kept you in state of need, so that you are dependent upon them. This situation is already changing but it will take time before you feel the benefits. The wealth of the world will be fairly spread amongst the people according to their needs. The time of the “haves” and the “have nots” will pass and greed will not be tolerated. It will not however remain a problem as in time the rising vibrations will only allow those souls to rise up, who are ready to be part of a new society based on fairness and equality.
If you have any concerns regarding your place in the future, have no fear as each soul will find itself exactly at the right level. Not even one can elevate themselves to a higher level than their vibrations allow. It means that all of those who have imprisoned you upon the Earth for millennia of time, will also go to a level that is consistent with their lower vibrations. They will no longer be able to interfere with your soul progress, and will face lessons that they need to return to the Light. All works out in an absolutely fair manner, as God still holds all souls in his loving embrace.