Taugth via Mark Kimmel 29/11/2012
I am Taugth, celestial of the cosmos aboard Athabantian. I am one of many who are empowering the Grand Transformation. I am here today to give you the perspective of one who sees the extent of your transformation.
When we say that you should concentrate on raising your vibrations, we do not mean that you should raise your vibrations only to exist in the same paradigm, rather we are encouraging you to raise your vibrations to exist in a new reality, a paradigm of love and light versus the existing paradigm based on fear.
Those of you who are highly conscious (vibrating at a high frequency, holding the 5th Dimension) know that your world is changing. You feel it in your body, see changes in others, in events and structures. In general you hold optimism about what is to come as the result of the transformation. Those who cling to the fear-based paradigm do not wish to admit to these changes, although most believe that something different is happening. For them there is a sense of foreboding about future events; generally they view each day as much the same as the prior one.
We have asked Mark to supply the following definitions to help you understand the extent of what lies before you:
• Extrapolation: To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information. (Predicting the future based on the past.)
• Discontinuity: Lack of continuity, logical sequence, or cohesion. (Totally shifting from one paradigm to another.)
What you are facing is a discontinuity of such massive proportions that you will not recognize your old selves in a few short months. Many humans attempt to extrapolate from their current paradigm to see the future. This will become even more prevalent as the energies of change impact all. What we foresee is nothing like what is current. There is a fundamental discontinuity about to occur. Extrapolation will not foretell this future.
Do not be afraid of the transformation, for it will be quite wonderful. Yes, you will endure some hardships, such as being without what you now feel you need to be comfortable. Look beyond those creature comforts, because in the New Earth all that you need will be provided. However what you then need will be quite different from what you now need, or believe that you will need in an extrapolated future.
We would now share a somewhat misty vision of what is to come for you. Keep in mind that this picture involves not just planet Earth and its humans, but all in physical form within creation. It is an enormous event, unlike any that has occurred before, ever. We are speaking here of the Grand Transformation out of 3rd Dimension. The vibrations of the higher densities will integrate with physical density, and the rigidness of the 3rd Dimension will be no more. This will create a heretofore-unknown reality.
This undertaking is so grand that it involves all celestials of the universe. It involves those who create universes, the creator gods, and energy organizers. It involves those who uphold these universes. It involves the All There Is, the GodHead. And yes, it involves your star sisters and brothers. It is much beyond a simple showing of the presence of your brothers and sisters from other star systems, or a transformation of Earth. It is an event of enormous proportions, affecting all in creation.
You the humans of Earth are the focal point of this magnificent transformation. You, who have agreed to spearhead this transformation, are honored by those of us from throughout the cosmos. Millions of your brothers and sisters from distant planets and all manner of celestials are gathered about your tiny sphere to witness its transformation, and to partake of the consequences of that transformation.
From our perspective, as ones who observes from the starship Athabantian, we see your confusion about events that are transpiring on your world. I now ask you to see these events from the perspective of ones who observes from a larger perspective. For a moment, view these events not from your ground level perspective, but from ours. There are arrayed about you and intimate with you the beings who created your planet in the first place. There are those who fashioned the surface of your sphere: oceans, land, and atmosphere. There are those who brought the plants and animals. And there are those who brought the first humans to your planet.
In Earth’s most auspicious beginning all was of light, harmony, beauty, and majesty. There are many of us who watched these last million years as your planet underwent the awful changes from a sphere of light to a sphere of darkness. We watched as your ancestors wallowed in fear, violence, hatred, and greed. We watched as earlier civilizations brought light to the planet only to succumb to the darkness. We have also watched as certain of you climbed to sufficient consciousness where now you can return your planet to its former majesty.
This is the moment. This is the great shift from darkness to light. All will be transformed, from the darkest to those who are filled with the light, from those who live in fear to those who live in the light. And all will awaken with a realization of what is now around them while they will retain memories of their past.
It is for these reasons that we have taken so long to prepare this Grand Transformation. It is not a matter of evolving from one track of development to another, from one way of being to another. All extrapolations fall by the wayside.
This time was delayed until now because you, the humans of earth, were not sufficiently conscious to be able to receive that which is coming. It has been attempted before with little success because you were not ready. It was always incumbent upon those who incarnated on Earth to make change possible. That is why so many have come from around the universe to incarnate on your planet.
Never was it to be allowed that we would force changes on Earth, or the rest in physical form, from above. Always it was to be the intention and actions of the beings of Earth to spearhead this Grand Transformation.
Your brothers and sisters from distant planets have long awaited this moment. In starships they gather about you by the millions. They originally came here to send light to help the planet, and to assist your transformation in a brotherly and sisterly fashion. But they always knew the importance of the transformation of Earth and her humans. Most recently they have come in vast numbers for they foresee this as the moment.
All is in place now. The Grand Transformation has commenced. Very soon you will experience events that are undeniable. Many of you are already feeling the changes that foretell what is coming. You feel it in your bodies. Your dreams forecast a new ways of seeing. Your emotions play havoc as they sense what is afoot. The infusion of energies that began some months ago is now ramping up and will continue to do so. Your emotions will escalate; your minds will seek to comprehend that which is not comprehensible. And you who are awakened will be called upon to assist your earthly brothers and sisters.
Physical events of Earth will heighten: More severe weather. More earthquakes. More volcanoes. More shifts in climate. These are not ordinary times. There are no extrapolations to foresee these events. These are the times of transformation, the times of discontinuity. Look beyond these events to the majestic New Earth. We are here to encourage you until that most auspicious moment when all will become known to you, and all will transform.
And yes, Mark, Abiquor will play a part in all. From its position in the 5th Dimension, its principal function is to anchor the Grand Transformation of the Earth. Those of you who hold its energy of manifestation are grounding the energies of change into your planet.
All in the universe support your transformation as the key part of the Grand Transformation. All send their blessings to each human of Earth. I am Taugth, and I am privileged to have provided this message for you.
Mike :)
The meek shall indeed inherit the Earth.
Definition of MEEK
: not violent or strong : moderate
Related to MEEK
David Porter
Author of the series