Mike Quinsey -- Message through my Higher Self -- 3rd June 2016

luisavasconcellos2012@gmail.com's picture
3rd June 2016. Mike Quinsey.

All proceeds well regardless of any outer appearances, and the various aspects associated with Ascension continue to be advanced in readiness. The dark Ones continue to lose power and their options are becoming very limited. Many times they have been requested to surrender but have declined, seeming to be prepared to fight to the bitter end. They certainly cannot escape justice as planned but will almost certainly try to bargain where their surrender is concerned. They must face the fact that their days are numbered and they can no longer hope to fulfil their original plan for world domination.

Many groups have got behind those of the Light and together present a formidable challenge to the dark Ones. Along with many powerful individuals they represent a powerful force for good. Certainly matters are coming to a head and the good news cannot be held back for much longer, as everything has advanced to a point where it is impossible for the outcome to be prevented. All is moving forward quite quickly and it is possible that the first official announcement will come as early as July, and be the first of many. Those of you that follow the progress through the Internet will have kept up with developments and know how successful the Light workers have been.