~ Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa - 3 January 2014

Eddie1177's picture

SaLuSa (1)

We join you at an exciting time as you enter the vibrations of a New Year. Across the world there is anticipation of a coming time that brings wonderful changes. They are going to be ones that will give a clear signal that a new era has got under way. Outwardly the chaos would still seem to be present, yet it is clearing to reveal long awaited changes. It is now a time of taking opportunities as they present themselves, to reveal the new way of bringing people together so that harmony can be restored. Love will become seen as the energy that will remove all traces of the old ones that have held you back for millennia of time.


Throughout your world cleansing is taking place, and the old energies are slowly being dissipated as they no longer serve any purpose. They will soon be unable to interfere with the changes that are taking place, that will show you beyond doubt that the new era is here to stay. For quite a long time you have been promised major changes, and the work that has been done to bring them about is now going to bear fruit. This year will mark the turning point in many lives, and there will be no doubt in your minds that the days of the cabal are numbered. They know it and are ready to concede defeat, but there are always certain individuals that know no other way than to fight to the bitter end.


There will be many revelations that will help clear up some of the questions you have, and indicate the new path to the Light that is opening up. Be assured that all of the necessary changes are in hand that will ensure your future. The parting of the ways has never been more clear, and for many souls it is a time of decision  affecting their future. We send our love to all those that are not ready to move into the Light. Each one treads the path they have set up for themselves, and go with our blessings as they experience exactly what is necessary for their progress.


It is no wonder that your history is full of encounters between people of different beliefs, as at times they clash because they have not found the common land between them. However, time is on their side and they can take as long as they like on their way to completion. Outside of your dimension time does not exist as you know it, All is in the Now. It means that you can go back in “time” and even into the future although it is a projection of all possibilities. You will realise that once you leave the “time” dimension, it will no longer be the way that you will account for your actions or experiences. You will be free without constraints providing you understand that you must not interfere with another souls journey, but can help if so requested.


Dear Ones, your journey through Duality as you know it is almost at an end, and it will become easier to put distance between yourselves and the old vibrations. You will be surprised at how quickly you will be able set aside your old memories of your lives in Duality. The joy and happiness that you will feel in the higher vibrations will be far more exhilarating and satisfying than any earlier experience. Many of you are still weighed down by the old ones, and will need to lift yourselves up out of them to ensure smooth and ongoing progress.


You are in exciting times and have spent many lives preparing for such an occasion as now. You knew that you would be ready to take a great leap forward, and now you have a great future ahead of you. Many will eventually return to their home planet having completed their time in the lower dimensions. The experience that they have gained will then be shared with others so as to benefit the whole. Some have become so insular having spent so long on Earth, that they have almost forgotten that life abounds everywhere in the Universe. There is so much to see and so much to do, that you will never tire of having new experiences.


Your eyes are being opened to the understand that you are great Beings, and are destined to regain all of your chakras and suppressed abilities. Only then will you understand the potential of a fully developed Being moving in the higher dimensions. At present you are being prepared for a great leap forward. It will return you to a state that you were in prior to your journey through the lower dimensions.


These are very testing times for you, but with your experience you should be able to move through them with ease. Follow your intuition if you feel any doubt and you surely will not go wrong. Remember that many souls are experiencing your journey through you, and at the same time helping you where they can. Remember also that your Guides do not interfere in your life unless asked to do so. They will however use their influence to point you in the right direction at all times.


I am SaLuSa, and ask you to be ready to accept the changes and give help to those who may not be so well informed. We are with you and giving of our love and blessings for a successful journey. 


Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey. 




People this is a stalling

David Porter's picture

Who ever you are, this is the same almost exact promises that you have written to us for years now. I will if my people ask, go back and re-post your previous messages to us, I have 3 years of them, People???

The time, that's our linear timeline is up, we have come to the time of get in or get fried. So people I suggest that as you continue to absorb support VIA words that you activate now with prayers, mantras, decrees etc for the actual ETs to intervene, make "Their" decent, (disclosure) as has been so long in promise to us by allegedly "THEM."

ETs as we refer to "Them" are in fact as real as you and I and these words and this planet, yes. They are here and always have been, but they will not and cannot by Universal law land or intervene without proper authority. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??? YOU ARE THE AUTHORITY that is needed!!!!

So while you still have just a bit of "soon" left on the calendar of your demise before being rounded up by the cabals, which are now readied for such, MAKE THE CALL EVERY DAY EVERY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT THAT YOU CAN FIT IT IN.

We are group I nor them can do this alone, you must make yourselves and INTENT known.

SaLuSa, I'm not down with you just yet. My friend, who ever you are, you will come forward now and prove your intent and authenticity or back off from my people cabal!!! The wrath of your Creator whoever you are is with us, the people on this issue as it is a Universal one now, not just for a small blue planet on the edge of Milky Way.

Stop lying to my people.

Mike, I have no concern who's toes that I step on in my quest made for 2014 "new yr res" and that's to debunk those that lead the people into the corral of the FEMA camps that are up an fully operational in our NOW! If you are not surrounding yourself with the pure Divine Great White Light of Christ before each and every "channeling" then anyone or thing will have way with you.

Best wishes to you and thank you for your support





David Porter

Author of the series