Milky Way News, a light Astro/Tarot Forecast

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Milky Way News Astro/Tarot Forecast

13th of April 13

Sa 12.00-14.00 online radio /canary time


Welcome to my program I am Shima and I want to bring you two hours of light music and astro and tarot forecasts.....starting with the Astro part


Did you feel the powerfull New Moon on wednesday?

It felt like a long missed switch got turned around finally.

Yes what we put in motion now will have a great chance of manifesting,

Lets think and dream big!

We want to get ride of old energy and start our spring cleaning.

Reset priorities and create some new goals.

Lets go for a walk and examine our energy leaks. Aries is a vibrant, masculine yang energy, eager to begin new adventures, take risks and explore.

Six planets are in Aries. We are in the first quarter of the Moon now.

On monday Venus will push into Taurus, she is changing her out fit from Amazon Warrior Queen to a more decent down to earth look.

Pluto goes retrograte and that will awake the rebel in us!

Pluto in Capricorn is the law and it evolves us and Uranus in Aries is the inspirational pull. We are forced into redoing and to reentegrate,

from the inside out!

With Pluto retrograte this will get more intensive and we have to pull it out, we are ready to go and open our dream “Gates” our hope,

don´t fear to do it! Other wise we get a kick in the budd.

This square thing will stay with us two more years and we are just a third in it! So lets emanzipate ourselves because unfinised or unexpected things will take our attention.

Sunday Jupiter will be in Gemini and highlight all the planets in Aries.

Let your creativity and passion lead you on the path of healing and balance.

Go where you are called and create from your alignment with Spirit.

Next week the puzzle will be set up and with big steps we are reaching out for the fullmoon on April the 25th and enter the three eclipse package,

lunar-----solar----lunar a magical time when any thing can happen as heaven reflects to us the perfect alignments of the solar system.



The Devil Swiftness Happiness


The Devil

This card represents our material life on earth with all the desires and wishes we confront ourselves with.

In short words its about sex, drugs and rock and roll!

These things can get us into trouble, because they are things we want to have badly and we all fall into that trap sooner or later!

It is a good thing when we can see them coming, since we had a similar experience, but if you fall for it, it is better to take it with humor and not get into a guilt or shame trip, next time you will watch out!

When we do some good shadow work, we might be able to root out some old behavior patterns, thats what the stars are telling us anyway, if not we will get a big kick so we face our problems...time to let go and put old traps out of the way.



Aries energy everywhere and lightening strikes are leading us out of the darkness and pushes us into new directions. So we face a colourful rainbow infront of us and we are asked to make the first step on it!

With new goal and letting go of the past we can say “yes” to our new projects and start out fresh on a higher level of being ourselves. Whow it is a ride and the world around us is shining in crystal clear vibrations.

Our souls and hearts want to tune into Gaias love song share and dare!

Get yourself a colour bath!



Well, here comes the sun again and we are happy that we made it out of a dark and cold timespan. Its almost that we forgot to be happy...what is it!

So reconnect to your happiness and dig it out in your subconsiousness and redress in a happy outfit and join the dance of life.

Let´s face the sunshine again and heal our wounds of the dark in the fresh air of spring. Going out to join with friends and party of a long time of inside work, we might want to pull it out and show our progress to others and share experiences. We all need each other to celebrate our future, which we manifested inside each one of us.

We are powerful divine creators, yes we can change!