Mission Juxtaposition

lauriergg's picture


Captain Bob called me on the phone and asked, “Would you like to go on a mission?”

“Of course” I heard myself say.

“Can you come right now?”

“Yes,” I lied just a little.  I’d have to cancel a few activities.

“So, what are we doing?”

Captain Bob explained, “Thick fog is rolling in, it’ll be a good night for a search mission. It’s going to be cold and wet. Do you have warm clothes to bring?

“Yes”, I lied just a little again.  When I moved south, I gave away all my warm clothes. I couldn’t bare those memories. They were like a wall, visible and so very dark. I shivered all the way to the dock.

Captain Bob was waiting on his tugboat, Juxtaposition.

It was not much to look at but the tug had a calming, healing presence.

Captain cautioned, “Tonight will be busy, could get messy.”


Out in rough seas, darkness wails. The spotlight locates a teen lost and tormented. We pull her in and shroud her in a blanket.

Capt hugged her, “this is a safe place. Drink tea, you can tell us your story, no matter what it is, I want to hear it.”


There were so many grieving souls lost at sea.

Unfazed, Captain Bob scooped them up one by one and wrapped them in love. “We are here for you. Stay as long as you like.”


There were so many different stories. A man and woman almost drowned in their tears of sorrow. They had lost a child. We gently held them for the longest time. Even the troubled teen came over to help. Not one word was spoken, for what could we say? Their tears tasted so bitter.




Finally, Capt’ Bob whispered, “This is a safe place, our hearts are open to you. Please sit and get warm. Together, we will breathe through the panic and help you climb out of hell one breath at a time.”


And so we held hands with gripped fingers interlocked.

Some clench fists could not quite loosen to hold another.

But in that moment we took one breath and then another, one second at a time.

We honored those brave ones that had visited the darkest parts of their soul and endured the pain.

A huge wave of calm washed over the tugboat.

In this ocean of tears, Juxtaposition provided solace where blame and guilt could be put aside just for a moment.


Early morning light was breaking.

Most souls had quietly jumped back to sea.

They were not ready to come ashore but

a few stayed on board.

Captain sighed, “It is a juxtaposition that true grief breaks the heart open and not apart. In time when they are ready, the memory of their loved ones will show them the way home.”



Back at the dock, Captain Bob gave me a kiss.  I looked at him with starry eyes, “How do you do this night after night?” 

He grinned with his mischievous look, “this is what I do darling, this is what I do. It is an honorable mission to be a Captain of Juxtaposition. I stand peacefully in the middle of chaos. I steer a boat through the sea of sorrow to reach an ocean of love.

With a twinkle in his eyes he said, “Come on darling, let’s get these folks home.” 


