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~LOVE REPORTER LISA CROWLING~ When we incarnate on earth, we temporarily forget the highertruth of who we are. Our life mission is to remember, toconnect with our innermost self, so that we may transcend.The reality we perceive with our senses is not the truereality, but merely a small portion of reality, masqueradingas the whole. Rather, than rebel the non reality our goal should be to transcend. We want to "be in this world, but not of it."The outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts andbeliefs, whether individual or collective, which have beenconditioned by our experience in the 3D world. Consequently,the 3D world is a learning environment, where we get feedbackon how our thoughts manifest. Thankfully, our negativethoughts do not (typically) manifest instantaneously.Otherwise, we would risk the spontaneous destruction of ourworld by thinking negative thoughts.Clearing yourself of negative energies through dailymeditation can provide a direct link to the "ultimatereality," i.e., the pure consciousness residing within eachof us.As your negative beliefs are purified through regularcontact with the "light" of your divine nature, unhealthyemotions, such as fear and anger, will naturally begin todiminish, and you'll be free to transcend to higher statesof consciousness. You will "download" more of your own trueself, while simultaneously and automatically attractingothers of similar vibration.Your world will become more synchronistic. You will repelangry, fearful people, and those who stick around willbecome calmer and more centered. You will radiate love. Bysimply being in higher consciousness, you will have agreater effect on the world than the most gifted orators andpolitical leaders.The higher your consciousness and energy are vibrating, thefaster your thoughts will manifest. When you align with ourinnermost self, you are aligned more closely with the sourceof all creation. At the apex of your individualconsciousness, you are connected with The One. You then haveat your disposal the entire universe to help you manifestthe highest good for all.In actuality, we are single points of awareness in theOneness that is Reality. What we interpret as the physicalworld is the projection of this awareness, which is takingplace in the Mind of creation. We are, as Shakespeare pointedout, merely "actors" in a divine play.When we wake up to this knowledge, the play does not stop.We are free to act or interact, in bliss and peace,unattached to the 3D world. We have within us the power tocreate "heaven on earth."Go forth and create from love and positivity.  <3 <3 <3





When we incarnate on earth, we temporarily forget the higher
truth of who we are. Our life mission is to remember, to
connect with our innermost self, so that we may transcend.

The reality we perceive with our senses is not the true
reality, but merely a small portion of reality, masquerading
as the whole. Rather, than rebel the non reality our goal should be to transcend. We want to "be in this world, but not of it."

The outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts and
beliefs, whether individual or collective, which have been
conditioned by our experience in the 3D world. Consequently,
the 3D world is a learning environment, where we get feedback
on how our thoughts manifest. Thankfully, our negative
thoughts do not (typically) manifest instantaneously.
Otherwise, we would risk the spontaneous destruction of our
world by thinking negative thoughts.

Clearing yourself of negative energies through daily
meditation can provide a direct link to the "ultimate
reality," i.e., the pure consciousness residing within each
of us.

As your negative beliefs are purified through regular
contact with the "light" of your divine nature, unhealthy
emotions, such as fear and anger, will naturally begin to
diminish, and you'll be free to transcend to higher states
of consciousness. You will "download" more of your own true
self, while simultaneously and automatically attracting
others of similar vibration.

Your world will become more synchronistic. You will repel
angry, fearful people, and those who stick around will
become calmer and more centered. You will radiate love. By
simply being in higher consciousness, you will have a
greater effect on the world than the most gifted orators and
political leaders.

The higher your consciousness and energy are vibrating, the
faster your thoughts will manifest. When you align with our
innermost self, you are aligned more closely with the source
of all creation. At the apex of your individual
consciousness, you are connected with The One. You then have
at your disposal the entire universe to help you manifest
the highest good for all.

In actuality, we are single points of awareness in the
Oneness that is Reality. What we interpret as the physical
world is the projection of this awareness, which is taking
place in the Mind of creation. We are, as Shakespeare pointed
out, merely "actors" in a divine play.

When we wake up to this knowledge, the play does not stop.
We are free to act or interact, in bliss and peace,
unattached to the 3D world. We have within us the power to
create "heaven on earth."

Go forth and create from love and positivity. ♥ ♥ ♥
