Moon Hippie Mystic~ 21 Grams

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Genesis 1: In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth.

There are “stories” throughout Time and History including religious stories so I’ve decided to tell the story of the Soul.  In the Beginning “God” Created the Heavens and the Earth.  In the Beginning there was dark matter, something that Scientists are just beginning to understand.    It was a huge Scientific discovery last year with the discovery of the Higgs boson particle also known as “The God Particle”.  There are some long drawn-out explanations for this discovery but basically what it means is that dark matter isn’t just empty space as they once thought.  In theory, it tells us that “something” can come from “nothing”.  Which means that dark matter is not really “nothing” it but Energy, the Energy that sparked Creation.  This means there was a spark which is when all of the Universe was Created.  Now imagine this spark of Creation lighting up the “Heavens” and forming stars, and planets, and solar systems, and galaxies and everything that we know about in the Universe.

When the Universe was Created there was Sound or “The Word of God” and there was great noise, chaos, and friction as the Universe began to take shape and form.  The Universe reached vast distances and formed all of the Cosmos.  Sparks and frequencies of Light and Energy are forming and perfecting themselves over and over.  The Heavens rumbled as material smashed and particles accelerated.  Now, imagine that this sound and this light are both the same Energy.  In other words, we know that Unconditional Love has a “Sound” and it’s 528 Hertz, right?  We also know that Unconditional Love has it’s own Energy and Vibration which is also known as “torsion wave energy”.  From this place of Consciousness, we can tie in what Scientists have discovered and what our religious scholars teach us.  We also know that Love is Light and speaking of Light, we measure a great many things by Light don’t we?  Specifically, we measure the distance of things in Space by the Speed of Light and Unconditional Love is also known as the Light as in “Seeing the Light” which is clarity.  So, in all of this it should be clear that there is Science in Spirituality and Spirituality in Science.

We on Mother Earth don’t know for certain how long the Universe has been around but they say about 13.77 billion years, roughly.  They also ascertain that Mother Earth is 4.54 billion years which, if she were an “Earth” woman, would make her in the prime of her Youth and Beauty.  We know that Mother Earth was Created in the Universe from the spark of Creation that is Unconditional Love and then Mother Earth gave birth to the plants, the trees, the oceans, the mountains, the rivers, the canyons, the animals, the fish, the birds, the clouds, the lightening, the thunder, the fire…you get the point.  But, what they in Science are beginning to understand is that Mother Earth has her own vibrations of Energy and she also has a Heartbeat that can be seen from outer space.  No one can be really sure how long there has been intelligent Life on Earth but they are beginning to put more and more pieces of the puzzle together.  As we have come to share more and more information with one another they have found evidence that there were civilizations who lived on Earth before the civilizations that we know of.  They have found older and older relics indicating that there has been Life here for longer than we think.  But for now we can stick with the history we do know which is that the oldest known civilization is around 12,000 B.C. which means that human civilization is but a mere baby in the womb of it’s Mother who is anxiously awaiting it’s arrival.  It’s quite dark in the womb and there has been quite a dark cloud of “Energy” surging around our Planet for about 5,125 years or so according to the Mayan Prophecies of REbirth.

“We” have searched for “God” for a long time and I know I for one felt very “abandoned”.  So, in this searching for “religion” I was never told about the Soul but I have come to Learn quite a bit about it now.  Mother Earth has a Soul which is her own special vibration of Energy, Light, and Sound and this is specific to her as there is no other planet in the Universe just like Mother Earth.  They speculate that there are 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 300 sextillion stars in the Universe so who knows how many planets rotate around all of those stars.  The point I’m trying to make is that of everything that is in the Cosmos there is just one of Her.  She is our Mother and we are made in her image as we are made of her elements and she is the Giver of Life.  So, from this one spark of Creation Mother Earth Created Humanity!  Here we are and we are all the same and we all have this one thing we “forgot” about which is this Spark of Creation that Lives inside each and every one of us.  And, we know that the Light, Sound, and Energy that sparked Creation was Unconditional Love which is also “Source”.

What does this mean for you?  Well, it means that your Soul has traveled 13.77 Billion years so you could be sitting here reading about who you ARE and where you COME FROM.  Did you forget?  I did.  Okay, so think of Mother Earth sitting out in the Cosmos on the edge on the Milky Way Galaxy and suddenly a dark wave of energy comes and engulfs the Planet cutting her off from “Source”.  In other words, Mother Earth is caught in a wave of negative energy and since Source is Light, Energy, and Sound this energy has no way to reach her for 5,125 years.  During this 5,125 years civilizations came and went and as we come closer to the present time we forgot more and more who we were and where we came from because we have also been consumed by this dark, negative energy.  As we became more and more separated from this Light Energy we became more and more separated from our “God”, our Mother, and each other.  So, as this “negative” energy consumes our Planet it also enshrouds her children in the darkness of her womb where we kick and scream to be Seen by “God”.  We fight one another for food, water, and Soul nourishment because it’s dark and we’re scared of the dark, aren’t we ?  But, as it has always been and will always be the only constant thing in the Universe is change and it is Time for a Change.  On December 21, 2012 we passed the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Crystalline Grid of Mother Earth was filled with the Light, Love, and “Sound” of the Creator.  This is the same thing that happens when you turn on a Light in a pitch dark room, the Light “transmutes” the dark.

As we are the Children of Mother Earth and our Soul is a very small yet ever important piece of Source we in Humanity are also being flooded with Light.  When you think of it this way you can imagine your Soul, that may have been forgotten about, ignite with Fire and Passion or you may feel a tingling feeling in your groin or stomach because you know deep inside that this is True.  This piece inside of each and every one of us is Unique and Special and it is the piece inside of us that connects us with the Soul of Mother Earth as she is  the Giver of Life on our Planet and we can also extend this connection to “Source” or God…the Beginning.  But, more importantly, it means that you and I are in possession of a piece of the Source that is the All of Creation!

There was a study done once that tried to measure the weight of the Soul and it was determined, not proven, that it weighs approximately 21 grams.  That’s 21 grams of Pure Light which is the “God” stuff, the Soul.  This means each and every one of us contains 21 grams of Pure Unconditional Love which is right inside of us.  This is where we connect the Soul with the Heart…our emotions.  Now we know that Source is the emotion of Unconditional Love which is also Sound, Light, and Energy which means that it has it’s own frequency and vibration.  There are a great many sayings in regards to Unconditional Love but I will simplify it by saying it is PURE which means there is no “negativity” in Unconditional Love. We also know that Light transmutes dark and this is proven by the simple “experiment” mentioned above where we know that when we turn on a Light in a dark room the darkness leaves.  What this means, to me, is that God is “Energy”, the Energy of Unconditional Love and when this Light shines on the “darkness” that resides within us it is our EGO that is being called into question within ourselves.  If God is Unconditional Love than there is no judgement that lies within and it is our “job”, in order to REmember our Soul, to KNOW this without question so that we may begin to Forgive ourselves and others.  In other words, we traveled 13.77 Billion years to be here in this moment on Mother Earth who has been enshrouded in darkness which wasn’t her fault or anyone else’s for that matter.  We began to behave the way we did because we were separated from Source due to this negative energy and all we have to do to reach God is REmember that we are Divine Beings and have been all along.  In this Light, it would make some of the problems we are experiencing right now seem quite small and very temporary.  We know not what we “do” without this Light so we should be able to open our Hearts and Souls at this point in order to transmute the negative energy we may still be carrying around with us from “before”.  From this perspective, it makes the “anger” one may have toward an ex-wife/husband, our parents, employer, friend, or telemarketer seem quite small and silly, right?  Please know that I’m not calling Life’s challenges “silly” by any means but I also know that when I figured this out I felt a bit “stupid” for a minute because I was so hurt and angry about what had been “done unto me” by others.  But, I AM a Divine Being with a Soul that has traveled the Cosmos and has known this Unconditional Love for billions of years…I just forgot like 99.9% of the population.  Either way, our Souls have traveled all this way to Experience these things in order to Learn, Grow, and Perfect ourselves just like Mother Earth, the Universe, and “God”.

We ALL know “God” because we ARE “God”, in theory.  We are each a Beautiful, Individual, Special, and Unique Gift so in order to unwrap this Profound Gift all we have to do is shed our dark and negative energy…our Ego.  Our ego is the cause of a Great many “tragedies” that are going on right now so it is up to us to REmember that we have this Spark of Light and Love inside of us which is capable of transmuting all of the dark energy we see and feel.  If there are 300 sextillion stars that Light up the Universe we can also think of ourselves as stars that Light up Mother Earth…each one with it’s own Soul and Purpose that makes up the Whole of Humanity as we are all ONE.  We are each pieces of the Circle of Life and together we form a Complete picture of the God stuff.  Imagine what we could do if instead of putting our “egos” together we put our Hearts and Souls together?  We are ALL capable of Seeing and Feeling “God” by just REmembering that deep inside of us is this 21 Grams of Unconditional Love and Light.  Our Mother Earth is also going through this process of transmuting the dark energy that we have been living in (which by definition could also be termed “hell” as explained in many religious texts) and we can assist her and each other just by raising the vibration or our Energy to one of Unconditional Love.  Let us begin…Begin by recognizing the Soul and linking it to the Heart.  Then, begin to transmute darkness by releasing yourself of the lower density energies of guilt, shame, fear, unworthiness, and abandonment by Forgiving yourself and those around you.  Begin to Love yourself and others without condition which is also a Great form of Freedom!  Unconditional Love is the True Source of Creation and Creative Energy so when we are in this “place” things begin to flow more easily than they ever did when we were in “negative energy” or ego.  Change is scary as it is unknown and that is what keeps us holding on to things that bring us negativity in Life but I will say from experience that it’s much easier to turn upside-down in the chrysilis to become the Butterfly than it is to continue to “fight” trying to hold onto the energies that cause me unhappiness and stress.

There is an Art to Life.  An Art and a Beauty to Life if you Learn how to Live it the Right way!  We can never begin to See and Feel  this Divine Love and Beauty if we don’t See and Feel our Hearts and Souls…our emotions.  We reach “God” by FEELING our emotions, specifically the emotions of Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.  We say “I Love You” all the time to our loved ones but begin to actually FEEL it within yourself when you say it.  We say we “forgive” others but in order to Truly forgive it means that you are in essence “letting go” of the negative emotions that surround the person or situation you are forgiving so when you Forgive with emotion you will feel the weight of this “problem” lift and you will FEEL Lighter.  When you say Thank You be sure to allow yourself to actually FEEL the emotion of Gratitude which is a Gift in and of itself.  This is also known as Spiritual practice and it does take practice because you must allow yourself to FEEL it.  We have been engulfed in this negative energy and we don’t want to FEEL it anymore but in order to release it we have to recognize it so we can let it go thereby opening the door to what we have all been seeking which is “God” or the ever present question of “purpose”.  Our Purpose is REmembering our Soul and aligning it with our Hearts so that we will flow with Unconditional Love for ourselves, each other, and Mother Earth thereby connecting us with “God”. It’s so very simple that all we have to do to find what we have all been seeking is to Choose LOVE and this Love is like a contagious virus that will Light up Mother Earth and each other transmuting the darkness we have known for 5,125 and Creating “Heaven on Earth”.  I’ve found in this Journey that Truth really is stranger than fiction so to find out that the only thing that has been “missing” in Science and Spirituality is only 21 grams seems much more fiction than Truth.  No matter how big or small you may think 21 grams is the Truth in our Reality is that this 21 Grams is all that really matters!  Not only are we “God” but we have helped Create this entire Universe (and maybe other “multi”verses).  We may have even traveled the Cosmos and Learned from other civilizations on other planets because it is only our “ego” that tells us we are the only ones in the Universe.  With 300 Sextillion Stars in the Universe it is actually quite IMpossible that we are the only planet in the Universe that has “Intelligent” Life.   We can See and Feel these things just by recognizing that we have 21 Grams of Perfection and Unconditional Love right inside of us that has traveled the Universe for 13.77 billion years just to be Right Here, Right now.  This means we have Lived forever and ever and will continue to Live Forever and Ever and Ever.  We traveled all this way so that we may be REunited with “God” and to help Mother Earth transmute this negative energy so that we can all return to our Home which is our Birthright.  What is this Birthright you ask?  Well, Heaven on Earth, of course!  How Profound is that?

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