With Gratitude -
You are the Rainbow Light that I call upon to LOVE me, Nurture me, and Heal me
You are the Rainbow Bridge that takes me where I wish to go
You are my Light Guardian sent to keep me safe and sound
You are always here for within me is where you dwell
You are the one I see above me and you wrap your arms around me everyday
My pain is your pain that you Soothe and Heal
You are the images in my mind’s eye and the Joy I feel when I imagine this “place”
This place is LOVE and I AM learning the power this place brings
This place is LOVE and this is my Home
I AM Grateful for the messages, I AM Grateful for the lessons, I AM Grateful to Heal, and I AM Grateful to myself for birthing my wings
Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.