- Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 9 April 2012
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/9/12
- From the Divine Feminine view...
- ✹ Bast. “Rise Up In Courage”. By, AuroRa Le.
- Genuine Sighting?
- Hilarious British Animal Voiceovers – YouTube
- This Pivotal Moment In Time Startling Truths You Need to Know About the Coming Transition
- Heavenly Blessings with Archangel Jophiel
- Artists and Musicians Needed to Help Create New Renaissance
- ~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~
- Is Barefoot Contact With the Earth Necessary For Health? Wake Up World
- The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~9~12 Preparing for a Mass Awakening~
- UFO dropping Light Balls over St. Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
- The Grand Rebirth~Peggy Black
- 3 witness: UFO hovering St Peterburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
- 2 witnesses caught the same UFO in St Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
- Steve Beckow ~ Speculation That India May Disclose ~ 9 April 2012
- ~Readying Ourselves~
- Every 6th businessman in Russia faced prison - research
- Benjamin Fulford, April 9, 2012: Bernanke and Geithner Are Still Trying to Cash Bad Checks
- The manuscript of survival - part 116
- JP Morgan & Co killed Greek pensioner
- POOF: It’s Over #2
- The Big Case – Michael Tellinger vs Standard Bank – New Economic Rights Alliance
- You truly are the change makers~ Message from Michael through Ron Head
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose
- ~Are We There Yet?~
- 4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love
- Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Preparing Our Loved Ones For The Future ~ 9 April 2012
- All I Do is Dream (Mar/Apr UFO Compilation 2012)
- The Voyage Part 1 - From The Galactic Free Press
- Thousands see UFO over St. Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
- ~Fleets of UFOs in the Philippines~
- Tolec and the Last Undersea Base
- 2012 UFO ALIEN INVASION FALSE FLAG : Planetary Grid System & Ley Lines with David Wilcock (Part 18)
- Lucas – “Critical Mass Of Discontent” – Some Observations
- The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~9~12 Preparing for a Mass Awakening~
- Heavenletter #4155 What You Learn in Life
- Healing Earth News
- Saul: Be Prepared for Mighty Life-Altering Events to Happen
- Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
- Severe Weather 4/10/2012 & Radar Readings for 4/8, 4/9, 4/10/2012
- Michael by Ron Head… “You truly are the change makers here”
- Archangel Metatron – Feminine Balancing – The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase – The Ring Of Fire Solar Eclipse
- Ancient Alien History, 2012, and the Future of Mankind - Nassim Haramein
- Galactic Federation of Light Message ~ April 8th 2012.
- UFO captured from airplane ->South Korea
- Too Entertaining Not To Share ~ April 9/2012
- Amusing Ourselves to Death
- 2MIN News Apr10: NASA News, Seismicity, Solar/Planetary Update
- ~Calling All Angels~ Eliza Gilkyson
- Held back for 3000 years, Now Revealed
- 4/9/2012 -- Tornadoes, Large Hail, Damaging winds = Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri
- Nevado del Ruiz volcano on preventative Red Alert
- CME activity continues 30% chance of geomagnetic storms
- Galactic Federation Of Light 1 of 25
- Enchanting Music To Flow To
- One Great Master, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012
- Blossom Goodchild ~ Feeling The Sound Of Silence ~ 10 April 2012
- Steve Beckow ~ Our Future After Ascension ~ 10 April 2012
- The experiences you have gathered are priceless. ~ Michael through Ron Head
- Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 10 2012
- The Clearing of Light and Magnitude of April 2012 …Part 1 GLR~Lisa Gawlas
- Visionkeeper ~ Soon The Craziness Will End ~ 10 April 2012
- ~Space Weather Update~ Blank Sun~ WInd Speed 356
- Pleiadian Message from Freer Spirit~ Bringing Global Abundance On Line~
- 5th Capture: UFO over St Petersburg, Russia. April 9, 2012
Greetings Love Beings, the reports are now coming in that people are witnessing our Craft in Broad daylight. This is a Good Sign and indicator of just how close we are to our actual decloakings. Thank you for remaining strong and couragous in this Truth. We have alot of Energy on the move right now and we will be sharing more about this in our Next Update~ until then, Keep Your Hearts Open and Stay Tuned in. Love Your Earth Allies
Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 9 April 2012
Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 9 April 2012
It is time you ask yourself and find out why today you are lonely. It is time for you to understand and to choose between those things in your life that give you pleasure and the things in your life that cause you displeasure. It is time for many of you to make a new start, and it is time for many of you to leave behind the ways of the old paradigm and begin anew on a path that will deliver you to the highest self you can be. All along your journey you have chosen paths that would either bring you to a higher state or a path that would lead you somewhere else. Your choice at this time is no different, and you are being offered the opportunity to travel a path that will bring you to a higher state or a path that will bring to you more challenges and hardships characteristic of a lower dimensional level. What you choose to do with this opportunity is entirely up to you, and we only wish to bring to the forefront of your consciousness this choice before you today. It is not our right to persuade you in either direction. It is not anyone’s right to influence another in this way. All we will do is describe for you your choices and where each will lead you. That is all we will do, and we will honor the choices that you make.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/9/12
It is time you ask yourself and find out why today you are lonely. It is time for you to understand and to choose between those things in your life that give you pleasure and the things in your life that cause you displeasure. It is time for many of you to make a new start, and it is time for many of you to leave behind the ways of the old paradigm and begin anew on a path that will deliver you to the highest self you can be. All along your journey you have chosen paths that would either bring you to a higher state or a path that would lead you somewhere else. Your choice at this time is no different, and you are being offered the opportunity to travel a path that will bring you to a higher state or a path that will bring to you more challenges and hardships characteristic of a lower dimensional level. What you choose to do with this opportunity is entirely up to you, and we only wish to bring to the forefront of your consciousness this choice before you today. It is not our right to persuade you in either direction. It is not anyone's right to influence another in this way. All we will do is describe for you your choices and where each will lead you. That is all we will do, and we will honor the choices that you make.
From the Divine Feminine view...
From the Divine Feminine view...
~Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~
Look at your lives, now.... set apart in apartments.. not knowing neighbors 3 doors down or even next door in a subdivision.... how you to a great degree the product of your teachings which you are finding out has been askew....
Teachings have been in sales environments, motivational circles self-empowerment bla bla... to MAKE it happen....
The way to make THIS happen, with our star neighbors is to apply their wisdom and connect with each other here on earth.... how much of that have we each done... even here on this site? Not much... that is why they are waiting.... we are not COHESIVE, yet.
✹ Bast. “Rise Up In Courage”. By, AuroRa Le.
✹ Bast. “Rise Up In Courage”. By, AuroRa Le.
April 9, 2012.
Genuine Sighting?
Hello Everyone!
A friend passed this on to me today - I'm wondering if it's a genuine sighting or not. It doesn't appear to be a 'lightship', but it's not metal either...hmm!
Much Love!
This Pivotal Moment In Time Startling Truths You Need to Know About the Coming Transition
This Pivotal Moment In Time
Startling Truths You Need to Know About the Coming Transition
by GLR Kristen Ann
“We are living at a time of Noah.” Werner spoke with a dramatic British accent, and his dark eyes seemed to reach into your very soul.
Heavenly Blessings with Archangel Jophiel
Heavenly Blessings, April 5, 2012, with Archangel Jophiel
GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest tonight is Archangel Jophiel. Hi, Linda.
LD: Hi, Graham. Hi, everybody. It’s great to be here tonight.
GD: So, I don’t know anything about, or very little about Archangel Jophiel. Maybe you could speak to who he is and I love how you’ve been describing the Archangels and a little bit about your personal relationship with them. I also know you want to do a meditation, so I’ll leave it up to you in terms of how you’d like to play that out before he comes on.
LD: Well, let’s start with a meditation and then we can talk a little, and then move into Archangel Jophiel. I’ve been sitting here meditating for about an hour and he certainly has a lot to share with us tonight, a lot of new information and a lot of new insights. So let’s get into that space together.
Artists and Musicians Needed to Help Create New Renaissance
Artists and Musicians Needed to Help Create New Renaissance
“In present times the alchemists manifest themselves as the artists, musicians, philosophers and independent journalists of the counter culture.”- J.G. Vibes
Activist Post | April 9, 2012
“We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun. We are not afraid of the darkness. We trust that the moon shall guide us. We are determining the future at this very moment. We know that the heart is the philosopher’s stone. Our music is our alchemy.” — Saul Williams (Poet)
Similar to the times of the last alchemists humanity is living in a dark age, an age that needs a rebirth in order to correct itself.
~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~
~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~
I Konw what I Feel, and what I Feel is LOVE. It comes from the ALL that IS. It is not only a Feeling, it is a Connection of Onness, a BEing, it is what I Am. And what I always have been.
And I Know Balance, for Balance is LOVE’s Flow. Anything that is not in Balance, is not in Divine Flow.
It interrupts Joy. And Joy is Love’s expression.
I Know that, for I Am part of it. I’m LOVE, I’m Joy, I’m One with GOD=ALL.
And if one of ALL is not in Joy=Love, I feel it. And when I feel it, my Heart wants to bring him back to it’s True Nature.
Is Barefoot Contact With the Earth Necessary For Health? Wake Up World
Is Barefoot Contact With the Earth Necessary For Health?
22nd February 2012
By GLR Sayer Ji
The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Feeling “grounded” is an increasingly uncommon experience in this day and age, and it should be, considering we no longer regularly touch the groundwith our bare feet, as nature intended.
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~9~12 Preparing for a Mass Awakening~
~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event
Update~ Preparing for a Mass Awakening~
Photo by Earth Allie Dawn Christine~
"Star sun we love you" !
The Grand Rebirth~Peggy Black
~Peggy Black and the 'team' [Hathors]
We are here, honored to have this opportunity to once again share our energy through the medium of your words. Know however if you are reading these words or even listening to these words being read by another, they are carrying another level of energy and information that is truly beyond the frequency of the words on your page or the vibrations of the words being spoken.
It is through our energy offering that we are connecting to the many levels of your awareness that are just beyond your busy, active mental realms. May these words be the doorway perhaps to your expanded state of mind in which all things are possible.
Steve Beckow ~ Speculation That India May Disclose ~ 9 April 2012
Steve Beckow ~ Speculation That India May Disclose ~ 9 April 2012
Don’t get your hopes up. We do want to keep you abreast of the news and speculation. But we’ve heard the same reports many times. Don’t go crazy until you see the whites of their eyes.
India to announce UFO Disclosure soon
Rajnish, Ashtar Command Crew, April 2, 2012http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/india-to-announce-ufo-disc...
~Readying Ourselves~
~Readying Ourselves~
In approaching the task of creating a global conversation on our blogs and in our discussion groups, we’re doing a number of things. We’re doing push-ups that allow us to develop some strength in this kind of dialogue. We’re preparing to meet the galactics, having wiped the sleepy dust from our eyes and becoming ready to talk. We’re finding out where the gaps in our knowledge lie, which should send us into research to fill them. We’re getting ready in all ways for what we know will soon be coming.
Benjamin Fulford, April 9, 2012: Bernanke and Geithner Are Still Trying to Cash Bad Checks
Benjamin Fulford, April 9, 2012: Bernanke and Geithner Are Still Trying to Cash Bad Checks
Benjamin Fulford | April 9, 2012
It appears that both the so-called “dragon family,” and the “harmonious world banking system,” are just the same criminal godfathers that Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner have always worked for.
They are running around now claiming they have 600 trillion dollars inside the Federal Reserve Board computers ready to be used for “humanitarian projects worldwide.”
Indeed both Eijiro Katsu, top bureaucrat at the Japanese Ministry of Finance and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa have confirmed the money is sitting there inside the Federal Reserve Board computers.
The manuscript of survival - part 116
The Situation In Greece Seems To Have Entered A Violent New Stage Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/greece-bomb-athens-vourhas-2012-4#ixzz1rY...
Sunset in Florida 12/21/11 Photo By Renea
As April begins, we are on the runway to 'A Mu'a. All the scattered pieces of our lives and of our beings are now spiraling ever closer, moving into their new, true positions. Lots of rerouting is taking place so everything can click into position. There's a buzzing energy in the air around us. It's crackling with electricity and excitement. Some of us even hear a constant ringing in our ears.
When we finally make the decision to release our old lives, it removes a covering that has blocked the doorway to our New True Lives. This creates a new, much larger, opening that enables us to see things that we never saw before from our Past, Present and Future. This is when we realize that we've really wanted to leave our old lives for a very long time.
You truly are the change makers~ Message from Michael through Ron Head
You truly are the change makers~ Message from Michael through Ron Head
Photo By Dawn Christine
We feel, this morning, your need to better understand the emerging changes that are occurring. Many are asking, “Yes, but when? When?”
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose
There is no such thing as an accident or Coincidents
Everyone and every situation is placed on your path for a purpose. Co-incidents are carefully planned out events.
Your angel guidance is to ask your angels to help you find the purpose within your current path. It may be to strengthen you, or offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive something from the past. It can be to release old patterns, or simple to bring more happiness and joy into your life.
~Are We There Yet?~
Are We There Yet?
Don’t you sometimes feel like a kid again, sitting in the back seat of the car, with your father or mother driving you to a holiday destination and wondering: “Are we ever, ever, ever going to get there?”
Sometimes the travelling can be intensely boring and mundane. Either way, time seems to drag on for hours, days and weeks (even years, in my own childhood perception of time!).
And it always seems that the closer you get to that long-awaited destination, the further away it seems.
Sometimes anger, hunger, tiredness and hopelessness set in. Sometimes we might even fight amongst ourselves.
Yet once we arrive at that place of paradise, all thoughts and memory of homework, exams, sibling rivalry and that never-ending journey instantly fade into oblivion.
4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love
4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love
Photo By Dawn Christine
4~9~12 Love~Light Message from the celestial team
Beloved, we are here! No other greeting to our message is necessary, for in truth, we have never left you.
That is how it is. That is how it has always been. That is how it always will be. We know you experience time in a linear sequence, and so we have greeted you in our “past” messages as if we were coming to you anew each “time.”
Only a short few months ago in your linear construct of experiencing NOW in sequential fragments, our telling you that we experience all of you at once, in one eternal NOW, was quite a “stretch” for you to fathom, was it not? Although the truth that we never leave you may have had “a nice ring to it,” it was very hard for you to believe! And so, we merely complied with the reality you chose to experience. How could we do otherwise? Your beliefs are powerful. It is your beliefs that create your experience of reality, remember? You are sovereign, after all.
Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Preparing Our Loved Ones For The Future ~ 9 April 2012
Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Preparing Our Loved Ones For The Future ~ 9 April 2012
Was talking to my mom last night. The topic turned to the end of the world. Mom, (a staunch Christian) told me she was filled with anxiety and dread over it (she believes the world is going to end). Mom told me she was cleaning up her life so that she would be counted worthy to meet Jesus when he arrived. She was eating better and exercising (lost 50 pounds!) and working on forgiving.
Several thoughts ran through my head as I sat there listening. First, I wanted to change her mind so that I could save her from the fear gripping her. I wanted to interrupt her (she was on a roll) and say, “Mom, the world isn’t going to end; only the systems are and they are just going to change. You have every reason to be hopeful…it’s going to be better!”
Secondly, I reminded myself that it is not my place to try to change her. If I really loved her, I’d honor her right to believe as she wanted. I’d simply act as a sounding board, allowing her to voice the fear without trying to change anything. (Hard but doable.)
All I Do is Dream (Mar/Apr UFO Compilation 2012)
~GLR Earth Allie Retch E Wretched~
More at UFO Global Reporting Center: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UFO-Global-Reporting-Center/224718644225904
Music is "Oliver Tank - Past Present Future": http://youtu.be/0ZgDtSDNJhg
The Voyage Part 1 - From The Galactic Free Press
In the Beginning,
There was God...
God As Oneness,
The Unknowable.
A Reality Beyond Knowing,
But One That Can Be Felt,
And Lived, Within The Now.
Out Of This Oneness,
Creation was Born.
~Fleets of UFOs in the Philippines~
From Earth Allie Lucy
Hi Mother God, much love to you today and everyday. I got this message today and it is in resonance with your daily update here about the decloakings. What ever is happening it is still a little bit too difficult to understand by the majority, as these sightings happen by surprise in different parts of the world and to different type of believers in life beyond this dimension.
Here is what I just received from a group friend
Tolec and the Last Undersea Base
The Breakdown:
2,000 reptilian warrior/soldiers, all high ranking officers.
5,000 support staff working in various operations of this extensive base.
3,000 combined ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati’ top key officials, middle management, administrators, and lower-end soldiers. 2,000 of these 3,000 were genetically blended and created Reptilian/Human hybrids.
Of the many other reptilian officials we captured – 50 were top key ‘Cabal’ / ‘Illuminati’ reptilian/human hybrid Officials; and 100 were key ‘Cabal’ – ‘Illuminati’ reptilian/human hybrid administrators.
I want to be clear here: these individuals are ALL PART of the Reptilian caste system that have been living underground or in undersea bases. Even the reptilian/human hybrids. This was the last operational undersea base complex. These people, even the reptilians that look human…are not part of: Earth Human society.
2,000 combined of the above have been captured, have been transported, and are being held in high security lock-down on the Andromeda Council primary biosphere. And will all be tried by the criminal justice court system of the Andromeda Council. Again, understand, these are not Earth humans, but rather genetically created reptilian/human cross hybrids.
8,000, of these reptilian beings, mostly support workers, choose relocation to go through a star gate transported to a planet to the far edge of the Universe. From which they cannot return.2012 UFO ALIEN INVASION FALSE FLAG : Planetary Grid System & Ley Lines with David Wilcock (Part 18)
Excerpt from 2012 Event Horizon Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, by David Wilcock, in which he describes the planetary grid system & ley line science.
Full Lecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEyqT2_ricA&context=C44b9f78ADvjVQa1PpcFNK...
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~9~12 Preparing for a Mass Awakening~
In January of 2008, we planted the Seed's of Christ Consciousness~ for this Year of 2012. The Christ Consciousness which is Actually Love, True Compassion and Unity is now ready to bloom. This is inevitable for this Planet. AS Mother Earth=Heart is on a Divine Timeline. We have less then 9 months before December and our craft are right now making the final preparations for the actual decloakings. These will take place prior to the Galactic Alignment.
Heavenletter #4155 What You Learn in Life
Heavenletter #4155 What You Learn in Life, April 10, 2012
God said:
Look, it's okay that you make mistakes. Of course, you make mistakes. You are groping your way in life and often wear a blindfold. Only afterwards does the blindfold come off, and you see. Be glad that you see now. You are past a particular mistake now. You simply don't know everything. And sometimes you are not thinking. The thing is you think now, and now you are aware. Hurray. Be happy. Applaud yourself for learning. What are regrets but that you have learned something? Fantastic!
The movie you are in now is not finished. The movie is in process, and there are retakes. This movie of life gives you opportunity to try again in another scene. Isn't that wonderful?
Saul: Be Prepared for Mighty Life-Altering Events to Happen
Saul: Be Prepared for Mighty Life-Altering Events to Happen
by GLR John Smallman
April 8, 2012
Heaven’s intent for humanity is leading you all forwards towards this supremely auspicious event that will bring with it joy, happiness, peace, and prosperous abundance for all; and that event is, of course, your awakening into your natural and fully-conscious state.
Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
The sun is bright in the morning sky, a front door opens and a man reaches out to pick up the morning paper while children walk by on their way to school and birds fly overhead…a typical spring day has dawned and it is beautiful. These are the things I have come to count on; the predictable parts of my life. In their own way they bring comfort – the world is as I expect it to be.
Yet inside brews a world that’s new. Hopes, dreams, plans and desires all see something else. Where is this place we dream of? Dorothy said it was over the rainbow and current prophecy places it in the fourth or fifth dimension. It seems always someplace else and that is suspect. Can it not be here?
Will I wake up tomorrow and say “Aha!” I am here; no more yellow bricks or portals or spaceships or searching. Can I do that?
I don’t think we ever get there because, well, we are always here. Rhetoric, maybe, but within these words is the key. We will never run out of the next place to be, there is always more; More to experience, more to see, deeper to go, different ways of being. This is good news.
The possibilities for life are infinite and you, right now, are one of them. You exist today as this unique love particle, an emission from our creator. You immediately began a process of self definition and expansion, and you’ll never stop. There is no limit to where you can go or what you can become.
This next dimension has been sort of defined as a place to go and that feels like you need a ticket or you have to fill certain requirements before you are allowed on board. We are all going, simply because we are not capable of stagnation. Our universal plan is one of growth, progress and evolution. We are in an eternal process of becoming.
Michael by Ron Head… “You truly are the change makers here”
4-9-12, Michael by GLR Ron Head… “You truly are the change makers here”
We feel, this morning, your need to better understand the emerging changes that are occurring. Many are asking, “Yes, but when? When?”
You have relied only upon you’re your five physical senses for so long that you do not perceive the change as strongly as you might. And you are being given very little to go on other than our messages. The reports you do see are not coming from sources that are ‘accepted’ by most of society. This, however, does not mean they are not true. Several of these sources are reporting information that is largely correct and they are doing their best to be truthful and accurate. Since they only report what they receive from ‘real’ sources, they are also dealing with a restricted supply of information and must sort out a great deal of misinformation. That is fine. Again we tell you we are not a news service. Our messages are meant to inspire and encourage you. They are also serving to change the dynamic of your collective consciousness.
Archangel Metatron – Feminine Balancing – The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase – The Ring Of Fire Solar Eclipse
Ancient Alien History, 2012, and the Future of Mankind - Nassim Haramein
Nassim Haramein, in this excerpt from "Crossing the Event Horizon", summarizes his views on modern man's past, present, and future. He discusses:
- How ancient human civilizations were contacted and influenced by advanced, benevolent, extra-terrestrials beings.
- How these visitors encoded knowledge in ancient buildings for future humans to decode.
- How this is the time in our history when we are suppossed to start figuring these things out. For the time has come for us to begin the transition from a society of "war and competition" to one of "peace, spiritual evolvement, and collaboration". This transition will eventually lead to a formal re-introduction to the extra-terrestrial beings that have been with us all along.Galactic Federation of Light Message ~ April 8th 2012.
Greetings Cheryl.
Thank you for your continued support with assisting us to get the word out about what is happening, as your planet progresses forwards on its ascension course.
UFO captured from airplane ->South Korea
Cool antigravity UFO seen from airplane ->South Korea (April 7)
Too Entertaining Not To Share ~ April 9/2012
Email Recieved from John Kettler;At an undisclosed location, U.S. Air Force technicians have reportedly spent a great deal of time fruitlessly trying to get a single Predator up for domestic surveillance. Every single thing which could go wrong has, and problems crop up at every turn, to include electronics failing, parts dropping off, engine failing to start, etc. These are the GOOD problems (comparatively speaking)!
The BAD problems occur at lunch breaks, when the techs return to find the Predator mysteriously turned upside down and the tail off or even the whole Predator completely dismantled.
The poor techs scurry off to report this disaster to their supervisor, only to find the Predator reassembled while they were gone, yet still unflyable. As you may've guessed, the ETs/EDs are directly responsible for preventing one of these things from spying on you!
Held back for 3000 years, Now Revealed
Luke Skywalker Aka Mark Hamilton is the chief of Neothink Society. Thought people would likke to know what the jedi master is up to these days
Galactic Federation Of Light 1 of 25
I found this series while browsing on youtube.if you want to follow up with the rest you can find all the rest of them on DDSDTV channel
Enchanting Music To Flow To
"After seeing a documentary on Channel 4, Martin Cradick and his wife Su Hart packed a tent, tape recorder, camera, guitar and mandolin, and headed off into the forests of Cameroon. There they spent six weeks living, hunting, gathering and playing many hours of music together with the Baka Pygmies.
"Keeping still is only an option for the dead, or those too mesmerised by the sheer joy of it all"
One Great Master, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Editor's Note: The reader is asked to bear in mind that the Editors have retained the spoken style of the Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov in his presentation of the Teaching of the great Universal White Brotherhood, the essence of the Teaching being the spoken Word.
They also wish to clarify the point that the word white in Universal White Brotherhood, does not refer to colour or race, but to purity of soul. The Teaching shows how all men without exception (universal), can live a new form of life on earth (brotherhood), in harmony (white), and with respect for each other's race, creed and country... that is, Universal White Brotherhood.
The Skin
Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012
Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012
Treat one another with loving kindness. It will change your reality. What if you knew that everyone you met, everyone you interacted with, and everyone you saw on the street, on the news, and in your neighborhoods was a living, breathing incarnation of God’s love. What if you knew that every person was held close to the heart of God, beloved by angels, and no matter how unthinkable their behavior, good at the core of their being. What if you knew that they, like you, no matter how unconscious they may seem, are really also on a quest for love? How would you treat one another then dear ones? We implore you no matter what actions you take in the physical world, no matter what words you speak, try your best to come from love.
For in truth, the person that cuts you off in traffic is in need of love or they would not be behaving that way. The person that acts in an angry fashion around you requires your prayers. The one who is insensitive and unkind is really a hurting child. Dear ones, we are not asking you to remain around unkind behavior, nor are we asking you to stuff your feelings. We are not asking you to remain silent when you feel compelled to speak. We are simply asking you to be kind to yourself first – to treat yourself with utmost sensitivity and care, and then from that space of loving kindness, to base your words and deeds in love as well.
Blossom Goodchild ~ Feeling The Sound Of Silence ~ 10 April 2012
Blossom Goodchild ~ Feeling The Sound Of Silence ~ 10 April 2012
Ok , definitely time for a new post … yet what’s new? How is your life progressing? Anything new to report? Do you FEEL change? In You? Around you? I can’t say anything outwardly appears different. Weather may make it seem so, other than that … life goes on living .
Yet what about inwardly … what changes there? Do you feel a change there? Can you say you have grown? We all have to have done … but how does it feel?
I feel more content … amongst all the uprising … I feel with inside of me a deeper understanding of ‘what is‘ and yet I know not ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’. It’s not about the knowing ‘what’ , its ‘what’ the feeling ‘is’.
In my position, and I maybe repeating myself here , people assume that I know a lot more about a lot of things than I actually do. They expect to have deep and meaningful conversations with me … some take quite a journey , or are holidaying from a far off land and take time out to meet me . I laugh quietly as I see them surprised at my lack of this, that and indeed the other !
Steve Beckow ~ Our Future After Ascension ~ 10 April 2012
Steve Beckow ~ Our Future After Ascension ~ 10 April 2012
The Galactic Federation, SaLuSa tells us, “are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by rightfully reclaiming your place with us.” (1) The entire Company of Heaven, according to Archangel Michael, “celebrate that Earth is no longer an ‘infant’ in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians. Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing the energy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.” (2)
Sheldan Nidle explains what “Solaris” consists of. “Earth-Venus-Mars-Pax will form the nucleus of waterworlds within our future Solaris Star Nation…..and what is to be an [honorable] Galactic Federation of Light member star nation.” (3)
After Ascension, “you will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quite different to what you are now.” (4) Ker-on goes further and says we will “become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings. No more shall you be at the mercy of the dark powers, as they cannot enter the higher dimensions with their lower vibrations.” (5)
The experiences you have gathered are priceless. ~ Michael through Ron Head
The experiences you have gathered are priceless. ~ Michael through Ron Head
April 10, 2012
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As we speak today, your world is receiving energies from every direction in this universe. Most of them are channeled through your sun. Some are reaching you directly from other stars, galaxies, and many millions of friends whom you call ‘aliens’.
Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 10 2012
Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 10 2012
Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase
We have exceptionally complex energy today. The lion is pictured above because the main thing to remember today is to protect yourself. This means we may need to assert ourselves or defend ourselves and our space (personal, professional, etc.).
People are going to try to dominate today. The Sun is conjunct Eris at the degree where Eris was first sighted. In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess who threw the Apple of Discord at Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, eventually leading to the Trojan War. Eris challenged them to see the superficiality of their value of personal beauty by asking who was the fairest of all. Discordant energies conflict and can erupt into war and power games (led mostly by women).
The Clearing of Light and Magnitude of April 2012 …Part 1 GLR~Lisa Gawlas
The Clearing of Light and Magnitude of April 2012 …Part 1 GLR~Lisa Gawlas
Rate ThisVisionkeeper ~ Soon The Craziness Will End ~ 10 April 2012
Visionkeeper ~ Soon The Craziness Will End ~ 10 April 2012
(picture by www.favim.com)
For so long now we have held on and worked hard to change ourselves so we could change the world. Hold on tight for it seems that change is drawing near. Our dream of freedom may be just around the next bend in the road. At times we have all faltered and began to doubt that maybe this freedom is all just an illusion as well. This past week has been one of struggle for many, as energies began to radically shift and shake us all deeply within. I think just about everyone could feel something was in the making. For those who are still trapped in the illusion they had fears of what the dark ones would do next, rumors spread like wildfire of all the evils the were cooking up. For the awakened ones it was exhausting energetically yet exciting, for they knew the birthing was in process and the end was near. Soon ‘one world’ will be born and love will rule the planet.
~Space Weather Update~ Blank Sun~ WInd Speed 356
STORM CLOUD MISSES EARTH: A coronal mass ejection (CME) expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on April 9th seems to have missed. No signatures of an impact are evident in solar wind data. NOAA has downgraded the odds of a geomagnetic storm today to no more than 10%.
LAST AURORAS OF THE ARCTIC SEASON? These days, whenever Arctic sky watchers see the aurora borealis, they inevitably wonder if that was it--the last display until autumn. Spring has sprung and soon the midnight sun will overwhelm the Northern Lights. This photo taken April 9th in Blokken, Norway, illustrates the problem:
"At midnight there was lots of light from the sunset," says photographer Frank Olsen. "And just an hour after this, the sunrise made the the horizon quite bright. These are probably our last auroras this season."
Famous last words? An incoming solar wind stream could trigger one more display this week before the midnight sun takes over. Aurora alerts: text, phone.