~ More Love Energy is Being Released Today!~ Yeehaw

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, More Love Energy Arrives as we released today's update. WOOHOO! The Complete Surrender of the denser energies is at hand. Here is a Quote from Today's Update ...

....Our Portal Opening day which Opened Up the energies for the Liberation of Humanity has been a Success. This is a Portal which cannot be closed, blocked, or shut and was a Fail Safe Switch which was Placed before the fall of Atlantis. As a result, Many Were awakened to walk through this Portal, to begin their transformation into the Light and this is Grand News For Planet Earth=Heart. We are now over our tipping point to Officially Spark a Full Planetary Awakening and this is Ignited. We received many, many reports of people's visions, dreams, and experiences from The Portal Opening Day and of How they walked through the portal. This Sparked the Second wavers. Which Sparks What we Call a Planetary Awakening and transformation into a Blue Star Seed Nation...."

We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

Sirius UFO Producer JD Seraphine Interview



GFP Note: This is a great interview with the producer of Sirius. One topic that Mr. Seraphine touches on is consciousness and connecting with celestial beings and how some members of the UFO community reacted to this part of the film. He points out that the rifts in the UFO community (caused by ego) are one reason why we have not made more progress in disclosure.




Published on May 3, 2013 by openmindstv




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EPA Reverses Itself On Flouride Levels


Some good news for a change. EPA has taken notice of the deleterious effects of flouride on children and older adults. So they finally admitted that the dosage put in the drinking water is too high, and needs to be changed. Please read all about it here:


Now if they could just get rid of the bio-tech crap out there!


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almost any action


The particular issue will be whether it's right for virtually any more mature will be just what they will point out it could be completed. Due to the fact those who arrive at the particular run puppies inside almost any action inside the further headache and also don't need to concern yourself with extraneous items. lululemon outlet General, Lululemon has built by itself like a high-end sports clothing collection which utilizes proper marketing strategies to achieve publicity.

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Bio-engineered Trees And Plants And The Threat They Pose


I hope this video makes it into the "Latest News" section, because it shows the danger of complacency and giving up our right to clean water and pure food!

This video shows the clear threat, that rushed bio-engineering presents to the environment and life on the planet. If you watch this video, you can clearly see what the agenda of Monsanto and its ilk is. We must clearly let this company know, that we are not going to put up with this anymore! Please make this video viral!



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UFO Files - UFOs Then and Now Aliens and Contact Season 1 Ep 11 (FULL)




Uploaded on Apr 16, 2011 by Time4TruthDOTorg




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VIDEO - Holmfirth UFO expert Gary Heseltine set to launch magazine


The Huddersfield Daily Examiner - 5/29/13, by Nick Lavigueur

 International UFO expert of Holmfirth, Gary Heseltine

International UFO expert of Holmfirth, Gary Heseltine


Much like the popular TV series X Files, Gary has been researching unexplained flying objects and extra terrestrial activity for most of his life.

While many people scoff at believers such as him, the former RAF and British Transport Policeman (BTP) believes he has evidence better than most.

Video and more: The Huddersfield Daily Examiner



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Do you believe the number of UFO sightings has increased or decreased over the past year?



GFP Note: This is a 3D take on a subject that most of our readers understand very well. I mean, we know that starships are real and that there are literally millions of them in our skies right now. We know why they and we are here. However, much of Humanity still resists these Truths and therefore this is an interesting essay - please read and share. Disclosure is OUR mission and challenge! Embrace it.


Source: UFODigest.com, Chris Holly, 5/28/13



I have received emails lately asking if I thought the amount of UFO sightings being reported over the last year have increased or decreased?  Of course I have no answer to this question as I do not have any place to search for the answer.


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Heavenletter #4570 - Speak the Truth


Heaven Letters Published on: May 30, 2013

God said:

There is something to be said about your taking pleasure where you find it, yet that is not to say that I am suggesting you eat a whole box of chocolates nor am I suggesting that you take pleasure in pulling the wool over someone’s eyes. I believe in truthfulness and trust. I ask you to be a trustworthy person whose word means what it says. Let Me declare today that I believe ordinary truth in the world is the path for all to travel. You were not born to mislead anyone.

It will be a great relief to you when your word is your bond. Uppermost is that you are honest with yourself.

For you to be in your truth is a lot simpler than not to be in your truth. Untruth is shaky ground. Truth is solid ground.


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Visionkeeper - Deep Thinking…


One World Rising Posted on May 30, 2013



Music to read by below:

When was the last time you sat in silence out in nature and asked yourself the deep questions many are more than happy to avoid?  I mean go really deep into your roots asking who am I, what truly matters to me? I don’t think we connect with ourselves as often these days as we probably should. It’s a case of that old ‘autopilot’ syndrome we have been hijacked by. With what is going to be taking place from here on out there is no way you can make the journey safely if you remain in autopilot, you have to cut that loose and start living by feeling once again, as scary as that may seem. We are in the mess we are in today because we were living on autopilot and not paying attention to what was going on. We also don’t pay attention when we allow ourselves to get dragged into manipulating dramas that snag our emotions and keep us hooked to whatever is happening.


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Sonic Streamers of Higher Energetics Make Themselves Known…


Gaia Portal May 30


Sonic streamers of Higher Energetics make themselves known to those with Higher Aural awareness. Such Sonics are means of connecting with the complete Hue-man, and are balanced with the Higher Visual and other Higher Senses.

Powerful Sonics currently are being projected through multiple layers of Gaia consciousness, and particularly are designed to eliminate shadow-intentions. Those attempting to maintain shadow-status-quo find the Higher Sonics particularly “annoying”, and rapidly surrender all further attempts at such.

Those Hue-Beings aligned with Higher D frequencies’ intention may hear some “unheard before” tones, however, these pass quickly as alignment with Higher Mind is refined.


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.



Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.


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Portal Opened and Reconnection of Divine Flow, Divine Abundance, Divine Giving and Receiving , Divine Currency, Divine Creation!


Portal Opened and Reconnections of All Infinite Divine, New Calibrations and Frequency and Vibrations:

Divine Flow, Divine Abundance, Divine Giving and Receiving , Divine Currency, Divine Creation, Divine Creativity, Creation of Life, Divine possibilities, Divine Truth, divine Trust, Divine Perception, Divine, tranquility, Divine Peace, Divine synchronicity, Divine prosperity, Divine Resolution, Divine High Consciousness, Divine abundance Divine Infinite possibilities, divine manifestations, Divine famine Old and New, Divine Masculine Old and New, Divine unity, Divine Consciousness, unconsciousness, sub-consciousness, divine Wisdom , divine knowledge, divine wholeness, Divine Web of Creation, Divine gifts and abilities, Divine Artistry, Divine Beauty, divine Elementals, Divine Creation, Divine Giving and Receiving, Divine Intelligent’s, Divine Cornucopia, Divine Dictionary from A-Z and infinity, Divine Whishes, Divine Angelic Realm, Divine Tone, Divine Harmonics, Divine Harmony, Divine Heart, Divine Sacred Geometry, Divine sings and symbols, Divine Reasoning, Divine Healing, Divine Star Gates, Divine Hopes and Dreams, Divine get together, Divine One Wholeness, Divine Unity.

All Connections to and through all crystalline grids, for Cosmo, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, through all time and space, all dimensions unknown and known, angelic Realm, Animal kingdom, Divine Animal Kingdom, Elementals, elementals of  earth, water, fire wind air, all of gods creations, As above As Below.


 This work  was done with the assistants of my:  Soul Team, Team of Guides, Ascended Masters, Jesus, St. Germain, Ariel, Archangel Michael, Lord Ashtar, Mother Mary, Blue Rays, Cherubs

Enjoy New Divine Energies – of Age of Aquarius!





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Release of Infinite Restriction – Of Divine Flow, Divine Abundance, Divine Giving and Receiving and More


Release of Infinite Restriction & angular Restrictions of all:

Divine Flow, Divine Abundance, Divine Giving and Receiving , Divine Currency, divine Creation, Divine Creativity, Creation of Life, Divine possibilities, Divine Truth, divine Trust, Divine Perception, Divine, tranquility, Divine Peace, Divine synchronicity, Divine prosperity, Divine Resolution, Divine High Consciousness, Divine abundance Divine Infinite possibilities, divine manifestations, Divine famine Old and New, Divine Masculine Old and New, Divine unity, Divine Consciousness, unconsciousness, sub-consciousness, divine Wisdom , divine knowledge, divine wholeness, Divine Web of Creation, Divine gifts and abilities, Divine Artistry, Divine Beauty, divine Elementals, Divine Creation, Divine Giving and Receiving, Divine Intelligent’s, Divine Cornucopia, Divine Dictionary from A-Z and infinity, Divine Whishes, Divine Angelic Realm, Divine Tone, Divine Harmonics, Divine Harmony, Divine Heart, Divine Sacred Geometry, Divine sings and symbols, Divine Reasoning, Divine Healing, Divine Star Gates, Divine Hopes and Dreams, Divine get togethers, Divine One Wholeness.





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11-11 Day


Today is an 11-11 day, and with the portals of light open, Woo Hoo!


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Earthquake Report for 05/29/2013


By: Earthquake.usgs.gov

24 earthquakes


    2.5 7km W of Isla Vista, California 2013-05-29 15:05:12-04:00 9.3 km deep

    2.8 92km SW of Anchor Point, Alaska 2013-05-29 15:04:24-04:00 98.4 km deep

    2.9 114km W of Cantwell, Alaska 2013-05-29 14:44:58-04:00 14.5 km deep

    2.7 20km SE of Downieville, California 2013-05-29 12:24:05-04:00 0.5 km deep

    2.6 8km W of Isla Vista, California 2013-05-29 11:38:40-04:00 10.3 km deep

    2.6 6km WNW of Isla Vista, California 2013-05-29 10:50:02-04:00 9.5 km deep

    5.1 Prince Edward Islands region 2013-05-29 10:47:33-04:00 10.1 km deep

    4.5 13km ESE of Demirci, Turkey 2013-05-29 10:43:34-04:00 17.6 km deep

    4.8 5km W of Isla Vista, California 2013-05-29 10:38:03-04:00 8.0 km deep

    3.4 30km WNW of Willow, Alaska 2013-05-29 10:33:50-04:00 49.3 km deep

    3.1 18km NW of Garland, Utah 2013-05-29 09:32:41-04:00 1.2 km deep

    4.7 77km WSW of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2013-05-29 07:25:33-04:00 10.1 km deep


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The Creator Writings - Change….


May 29, 2013




Doubts, dis-beliefs, fears, insecurities, sadness, pain and lack are all pointers. Experiencing them shows you exactly what you need to change. You are given a choice; wrap them around yourself like a blanket, content to live with them forever, or release them with love. Free will is yours. ~ Creator




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Fireballs Seen Over Regions Of Canada; Fireballs Seen Over Arkansas; Fireball Lights Up Eastern Seaboard; Comet Fragments Wows Stargazers


Beforeitsnews.com - 5/29/13



‘Fireball’ is the name given to a meteor that appears to be brighter than Venus – one of the brightest planets in our sky, and a ‘bolide’ is a fireball that burns so bright that it can outshine the full moon. While spotting a fireball is rare, the meteors that cause them aren’t; according to the AMS, several thousand occur in Earth’s atmosphere each day.


For more information on this story please click here.


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Linda Roninson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel For June 2013 – Manifesting With A Higher Vibration – 29 May 2013


May 29, 2013




Greetings Beloved Ones,


This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst.  We represent the Seventh Ray of transmutation, transformation, and manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light.


Today, we would like to discuss the importance of manifesting with a high personal vibration.  We have discussed other aspects of this topic on previous occasions, and we are again bringing this to your awareness because of its great importance.  Because the new energy is vibrating at a higher level, it is important that any consciously created manifestation now be done in a backdrop of a high personal vibration. 



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Chile Snowstorm Buries Andes


Accuweather.com - 5/29/13, Jim Andrews



The heavy storm clouds have left Chile, but not before unloading flooding rain and burying mountain snow.

The storm left one person dead and 231 people injured, the emol.com website said in translation on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, a full meter of new snow was measured by one ski operator near Santiago.

Lifts were open as of Wednesday at Ski Portillo, although the highway linking the slopes to cities in Chile and Argentina was closed, the resort website said.

Snowfall since Monday was put at 39.4 inches, or 100 cm. The storm lifted seasonal snowfall to 49.6 inches, or 126 cm, according to the website.


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How Gratitude Can Help You Sail Through Hard Times


admin May 29, 2013


HJ: Practicing gratitude honestly will reframe seemingly negative situations or challenges into opportunities for growth and greater awareness of the self.  It really is all about perspective.  We can choose to view a situation as difficult or an opportunity for growth.  This subtle, yet incredibly important characteristic is often the only thing separating those who go on to achieve greatness from those that throw their hands up in defeat.  The same situation approached from two different perspectives produces radically difficult results.  One of the major keys to reframing challenges, difficult situations or ‘hard times’ into  an opportunity for growth, self-awareness and advancement is the practice of gratitude.



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Activate the Crystals in Your Head for Psychic Ability (alleviate Migrains)


source:GreenGuerrillas 05/29/13


Chief Golden Light Eagle will host many Chiefs, medicine people, and wisdom keepers at the next Star Knowledge Conference.


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A Yeehaw Love Party On the Higher Grid, All Are Welcome! Love is REAL!



Digital Artwork by Corey Cowan (Photoshop manipulation)


Greetings Love Beings, Our Weekly Update will be released in the morning. Alot is Unfolding. You Can Join us In these Energies at this LINK: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


Love is Making a complete Landing!


See You there Love The Earth Allies


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Follow Up Information: Open Call To Healers


Here are the links for the world-wide healers network that is being formed under the direction of Cobra. Please retweet, forward, and share.




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4.6 magnitude earthquake strikes off Santa Barbara coast


By: Theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com, 05/29/2013

CALIFORNIA - A magnitude-4.6 earthquake struck off the Santa Barbara coast Wednesday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor struck at 7:38 a.m. about three miles west of Isla Vista, the USGS reported. Initial reports indicated that the quake had a magnitude of 4.9, but that was later adjusted to 4.6. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department said there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.


For more on this story visit www.theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com


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The manuscript of survival - part 317 . May 30, 2013




The manuscript of survival – part 317. May 30, 2013


The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of unchartered possibilities still lying dormant.


Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment



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Archangel Metatron ~ Hope, being in peace and going with the flow ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont


pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, May 30, 2013


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Tornado damage in Corning


kansasfirstnews-Cristina Frank May 20,2013


Tornado Damage in Corning


Tornadoes moved through parts of northern Kansas for a second straight day yesterday.

The storms damaged several properties late yesterday afternoon in the small Nemaha County town of Corning.

Authorities there say a tornado destroyed at least one home and damaged outbuildings, while several sheds and outbuildings were also hit.

There are no reports of injuries or any deaths.

A large tornado was reported north of Salina near the Ottawa County town of Bennington.


Read More: http://www.kansasfirstnews.com


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QE2 Asteroid Makes Near-Earth Flyby This Week


RedOrbit - Brett Smith - May 30, 2013

[ Update: May 30, 2013 - How To Watch ]

NASA has announced that members of the public can participate in both online and televised events on May 30 and 31 surrounding the space agency’s asteroid program and the impending near-Earth flyby of the 1.7-mile-long asteroid known as 1998 QE2.


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New Earth Revolution, Cosmic weather report #5


Lord Sananda and Lord Ashtar #589


May 29, 2013


Dear Loved Ones this is Ashtar speaking in the name of the Galactic Federation. I am assisting my beloved friend Master Juliano in his weekly message because we’re heading to an important moment in human evolution. We’re standing on the threshold of a global shift in consciousness. At this particular moment lots of people already feel the energy that’s moving them into the New Time: a time of abundance and endless possibilities. These people feel that within now and very soon there will be a BIG SHIFT. From our perspective, that’s in the NOW.What’s important my Beloved Lightworkers that you start to feel that it’s happening at this particular moment. Feel it in every cell of your body. Feel it in your heart space and start to share your feeling with others. You don’t have to shout it. Just radiate your energy and BE the portal for the people you are connected with.



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Christina Sarich ~ Manuka: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Kills Deadly MRSA Bacteria


May 29, 2013


by Gillian



In 1769, James Cook called the tea tree a medicinal wonder with an ‘agreeable bitter taste’, but New Zealanders call their Manuka trees life savers. Manuka oil is derived from the Manuka tree that grows primarily in New Zealand. Its active ingredients, Triketones and Sesquiterpenes, are anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-bacterial. The oil of the Manuka tree is even successfully fighting MRSA bacteria, also known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or staph.



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The Creator Writings - Love Another, Love Yourself


May 30, 2013




How can you say you love another if you do not love yourself?How can you say you love yourself if you do not love another? It is a paradox to be sure. In the ebb and flow of your Earth-plane existence, in the flow of Love through The Universe, they become one and the same. ~ Creator


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Season-breaking rain to soak SA, VIC and NSW


Weatherzone, By: Press Release, 05/30/2013

Rain is about to spread across South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales and it looks like season-breaking rain for many inland areas, according to weatherzone.com.au. "In the next few days much of SA, northern Victoria and southern and central NSW can expect widespread falls of 25-to-50 millimetres with potential for as much as 80mm in places. The wettest area should be northeastern Victoria and southwestern NSW where more than 100mm is possible," Weatherzone meteorologist Brett Dutschke said.


This will turn out to be season-breaking rain for many farming areas, a boost for those hoping to sow their winter crops after a long dry spell. It had become a desperate situation for much of the region. Since last winter most of it has received less than half the average rainfall and some has fallen into drought.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Underwater volcano mapped in Southeast Alaska


Sean Doogan- May 26,2013


The yet-to-be-named volcano in Southeast Alaska differs from many on the ocean floor. Its top was likely above the water when it last erupted some 10,000 years ago.


Jim Baichtal has a habit of cruising the website of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration looking for new hydrographic surveys of Alaska.

“I was just checking the website before I headed out one day," he said, "and when I saw the survey results of an area near Ketchikan, all I can remember saying is, ‘Oh, my gosh!’" Buried inside the NOAA data were 3D renderings of a previously unknown volcano, beneath the depths of Behm Canal inside Misty Fjords National Monument.

The yet-to-be-named volcano differs from many on the ocean floor. Baichtal, a U.S. Forest Service geologist, says its top was likely above the water when it last erupted some 10,000 years ago. NOAA imaging and new underwater video of the area shows what appears to be leftovers of ash or cinder near the volcano crater.


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~ 7 Signs from The Angels to Be Aware of~ By Doreen Virtue (Repost)


By Doreen Virtue


When angels help us through life, sometimes they do so in ways that may not be immediately recognizable to us. They often deliver answers, hints, messages, and warnings through signs--signals, or anomalies in life, which let us know that they're with us.


Signs are repetitive, out of the ordinary, personally meaningful, and timed to coincide with your prayers or questions that you've posed to the Divine. There are two steps to experiencing signs from above: (1) believe in them, and (2) notice them. Amazing life transformations occur when we learn to see and use the messages the angels give us in everyday life, in all situations, big or small.




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WE Have Arrived Finally!!!! Prepare for Grand Events Unfolding


Greetings Love Beings, Light Beings, God Beings, Our Children In Creation, Be In Joy. We Are Gods, WE Are God walking On this Planet With You. We Have Brought Heaven With US and this Energy IS transforming the Planet Very Quickly into The Paradise She Truly Is. This is The Gift of Who WE All Are. HUMANITY IS NOW Stepping Into Spirit, The Wings Will Open and they Will Remember Their Godhood, SO BE IT AND SO THIS IS TO BE~


We Are One, With Added Uniqueness. We Are All Unique, just as every Snowflake and every Atom is Unique. Each Atom is One With The Creator, Immersed in Unconditional Love=Source. Each Atom of this Planet Is You, Shining Brilliantly~


~Only Energy Fields of the Highest Vibrational frequency Exist in the Present Moment Of Now and Only What Is Real Can Enter into Spirit. AS Heaven, We are Spirit. We have Brought this Into The Physical  Manifest Realm. Everyone Ready for the Inevitable? ~



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4MIN News May 30, 2013: Tornados, Solar Update, Dr. Atkins' Quake Prediction


Suspicious Observers - 5/30/13




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Jayme Price Weekly Light Blast - Being Yourself


Weekly LightBlast May 30, 2013


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The manuscript of survival – part 317


aisha north May 30, 2013

The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of unchartered possibilities still lying dormant.

Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment


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Some Phenomenal Rainfalls the Past Week in the U.S.


Wunderblogs - 5/30/13, Christopher C. Burt




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As Earth warms, Arctic is warming fastest


Earthsky.org - 5/30/13, Deborah Byrd


Global temperature anomalies.  This map is comparing temperatures in the years 2000 to 2009 to the norms for the various regions from 1951 to 1980.  You can see that - during this period - the Arctic warmed more dramatically than other parts of the globe.  Image via NASA.


Global temperature anomalies. This map is comparing temperatures in the years 2000 to 2009 to temperatures norms elsewhere from 1951 to 1980. You can see that – during this period – the Arctic warmed more dramatically than other parts of the globe. Image via NASA.

This map shows how high latitudes on Earth – the Arctic – have warmed more dramatically over the past decades than other parts of the globe. The map shows global temperature anomalies for the years 2000 to 2009. In other words, it doesn’t show absolute temperatures. Instead, it illustrates how much warmer or colder a region was in 2000-2009 compared to the norm for 1951-1980.



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Divine Light transmission remotely join us; no computer needed. Read on for more

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive. Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at ryan.w.mccarthy@gmail.com. Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a ryan.w.mccarthy@gmail.com I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity. Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-) Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros. Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche ryan

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Artificial sweeteners may do more than sweeten


Earthsky.org - 5/30/13, Deborah Byrd





Researchers have found that a popular artificial sweetener can modify how the body handles sugar.

In a small study, the researchers analyzed the sweetener sucralose (Splenda®) in 17 severely obese people who do not have diabetes and don’t use artificial sweeteners regularly.

“Our results indicate that this artificial sweetener is not inert — it does have an effect,” said first author M. Yanina Pepino, PhD, research assistant professor of medicine. “And we need to do more studies to determine whether this observation means long-term use could be harmful.”


For more on this story please see Earthsky.org


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How To Ground Yourself In 7 Ways


by Evelyn on March 16, 2009



“Movement gives Life but Silence is my Grounding.” A few of you have responded in the comments to my previous post that you liked what I have written for my my personal creed. I have shared that it is in meditation that I get grounded in mind-body-spirit. With grounding, my personal creed also says that “I inspire hope, vision and dreams, leaving trails of light wherever I tread.” Based on your responses, I have decided to follow up with a discussion on grounding today.


What Is Grounding?

The earliest understanding of this word is perhaps an order given by our parents that “we are grounded”. However, “grounded” as we know it in this situation, is negative because it is a punishment for kids in place of corporal punishment.


Read More: http://www.abundancetapestry.com


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Indian Ocean countries unite to improve weather forecasting


Weatherzone, By: Olivia Garnett, 05/28/2013

Scientist from Indian Ocean nations have gathered in Perth today to learn about Australia's ocean forecasting models to better predict the weather. 17 countries from right around the Indian Ocean are represented at today's workshop whom all sit under umbrella of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Corporation (IOT-ARC).


It's hoped each country can contribute their local information to one big system to help predict weather up to seven days ahead. Oceans play a huge part in weather predictions and in the past scientists have only really been able to predict very short-term weather or long-term weather on a seasonal time scale.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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First indigenous map of its kind; U.S. map displays “Our own names and locations”


Source:Monica Brown tulalip News 05/30/13

Aaron Carapella, a Cherokee Indian, has taken it upon himself to create a map that shows the Tribal nations of the U.S. prior to European contact. The map is of the contiguous United States and displays the original native tribal names of roughly 595 tribes, and of that, 150 tribes are without descendants. Without descendants means that there is no one known to be alive from that tribe and are believed to be extinct.

Aaron’s journey to making the Native American Nations map began 14 years ago. At the age of 19, Aaron had already gained a great deal of knowledge from listening to stories from his family, elders from his tribe, and reading books on Native American history. To explain where his knowledge came from Aaron said, “My Grandparents would tell me, you’re part Native American and that’s part of your history. They would give me books to read about different tribes’ histories, so, I grew up with a curiosity of always wanting to learn more about Native American history.”


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Lisa Gawlas ~ What We Do For One, We Do For All!!~ 30 May 2013


one and allI think I must have awoken with a different attitude this morning.  Mostly, spirit must have gotten to me in my dream time!  I have been complaining (rather strongly mind you) that we have been hijacked by spirit.  Instead of coming together to do personal readings, we are coming together to implant personal, high energy into a dense landscape.  A landscape that connects to so many other dense landscapes across the globe.  It truly is living the energy of “what we do for one, we do for all.”  Maybe I really just needed to see the personal touch, something so unique that it could only have come from you.  Granted, I know that every elongation of the funnel clouds in the front and back of my dad’s place came from your connection, but that doesn’t seem personal, even tho it is, just like every drop of water in the cement foundation is unique and forms to the whole, so is each of our energy contributions to the collapsing density on earth as we make solid and tangible the radiant new energy.


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The Remarkable Month of May ~Part 2/2




(Continued from Part 1.)

Two days after the last of the three eclipses was over, planetary logos Sanat Kumara reviewed their impact on An Hour with an Angel. He said that “there have been significant energetic shifts upon your planet in the last couple of weeks. And even within the last few days.” (12.)

He tells us that the light and love that are penetrating us come “directly from the heart of One, of Mother/Father/ God All Source, from we who serve you and who are in partnership with you.” (13)


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Contracts


Angel Wisdom Thursday, May 30, 2013


Major life lessons



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Karen Doonan ~New Vibrations


Many of you may be struggling at this moment trying to figure out why things are not "moving" and yet filtering out that which you are holding tightly on to. Many of you may even start triggering at the opening of this blog, "what on earth is this woman on, I have cleared and done the work and still nothing moves" I hear you cry. Well I can relate because I have been there and now I have cleared my vision and share this with you to help you clear YOUr vision. It is relatively easy to state "everything is vibration and frequency". This however is only half of the picture and the old earth is nothing but "half a picture", the distortion always focusing on the part of the picture that keeps you in the lower dimensional energy frequencies.


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Scientists get a better grip on El Nino


Weatherzone, By; Michael Cavanagh, 05/30/2013

A team of Sydney climate researchers believe they now have a better understanding of when droughts will end and when rain may fall. The El Nino climate pattern, which in Australia leads to drier than normal conditions, is triggered by changes to water temperature off the South American coast around Christmas time.


Dr Shayne McGregor, from the University of NSW's Climate Change Research Centre, says while the build up of El Nino is still difficult to predict, the latest findings mean that forecasters will have a better idea of when it would end and bring rain.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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The Galactic Free Press Update: The Complete Surrender for the Powers who were is At Hand




Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth


 Photo by Charles Doyle Portal Opening May25th, 2013 which Cannot be Blocked or Closed! Love Wins


Greetings Love Beings,The Portal Opening Was A Success and We have entered and Exciting Energetic Gateway with alot of Help from our Sun and an asteroid passing close by. We have had many Exciting events this Month and in June they will Only increase. Indeed, We are now Spiraling Energetically and intensely Towards The Solstice in an Energy which was Put In Motion before Atlantis. The Energies arriving to Us Now Have Truly Been Remarkable and the surrender of the powers who were is at hand. As a Result of this Intensity, activations, changes, and transformations are taking place Multi Dimensionally across this Planet.



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From beneath a thawing glacier, a 400-year-old plant is resurrected


Liz Fuller-WrightThe Christian Science Monitor-May 29, 2013


Loren Holmes photo


It's like something out of a zombie movie, or at least Encino Man: What was dead and frozen for hundreds of years suddenly sits up, shakes its head a few times, and goes about its business.

But this is real, and happening with mosses in Greenland. Once buried under thousands of tons of glacial ice, these mosses are green and growing again.

And not just one or two feisty stragglers: Dr. Catherine La Farge and colleagues from the University of Alberta found between 60 and 144 different species of moss that are spontaneously regrowing after centuries on ice.



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