The Morning Blessing 03.12.13

MomT's picture

There's a dream in you that is waiting to be born. You have a unique way of loving, of giving, of comforting others that the world around you desperately needs. There's a talent, a style, a promise that is etched into the deepest part of your soul, and is coming forth right now in a way you could never have imagined.

Our tendency is to create comfort zones around ourselves. We surround ourselves with people who agree with us, spend our time in familiar places, and even think along the same general lines as we did yesterday, last week, last year. We find a spiritual path that feels right, and we may get stuck in the aspect of the teaching that feels comfortable to us, until even our prayers may become the same day after day.

But, what I know of Spirit is that It is the energy of constant surprise, an ever-new Joy taking each being on a cosmic journey into realms yet unimagined- even right here on our Earth walk. You and I are so much more loving than we thought possible, so much more creative, and so much more positive. We can choose today to open our hearts to be an even greater channel for God's love to flow through!  Why not? It's our destiny.
Each of us chose to incarnate, to take form here and now.  The success of the human experiment will only be achieved by souls who venture to live out of the box, to be outrageous in their commitment to love, justice, generosity and beauty.

Join me today in stretching into your greatest potential. Lean into Spirit and She will pull you more into your Self. Let's pray to love more, to give more, to learn how to live sustain-ably and joyfully. Let's play our sacred part in the re-creating of our world infused with Love.
Guess what that would make you feel like?



There is only One recurring holiness of all time, it is the

binding core of each living essence and it is called by the

name YHWH. I am but a single reinterpretation and reflection

of this source. I am its heart that understands, its ears that

hear, and its eyes that see in this present moment of sacred



As I journey through each of my holy days I marvel at the

complexities of the human condition. I am compelled to

explore the legend of Spirit that has formed my texture and

content. I lovingly refashion the divinity polishing the

personality of  you to include more love, more

appreciation, and more joy. These are easily gained under the

mentorship of an alignment with Infinite Intelligence. All that

is required of me is to flourish from the heart - the seat of

all wisdom.


With an attitude of reverence and thanksgiving I allow love

to be the something that comes through me more fully today.

From the inner reaches to every particle of external space.

And so it is.


©2013  Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.


