Today's note is the last I'll write as your spiritual mentor. I'm moving into my son's company and will be involved in bringing consciousness to younger minds and bodies with his healthy vending business.
During the last six weeks of 2012, from Halloween to the Winter Solstice, a reshuffling of priorities was unfolding and I began to feel the completion of my work with The Morning Blessings. The winter's cloak of hibernation and solitude afforded me an excellent time for rest and reflection. During those months I've moved toward the new avenues of Light and followed the direction Spirit was leading. The new "work" I am being charged with is exciting and engaging. I wondered if I could possibly keep both going? However, the Spring Equinox energies have aroused clarity and now new ideas and inspiration are bursting forth with vigor and vibrant confidence. I must use the new building blocks the Universe and my Higher Self are offering if I am to stay true to everything I know.
The Morning Blessings, Science of Mind, each of my students and every one of you - those I have been blessed to have exchanged emails with, and those I have not, those that feel like intimate family and those I simply know are, have been an integral part of my life for the past 8+ years. As a spiritual guide and teacher, I've worked with thousands of people aspiring to realize their truest nature. As I transition to my latest True North I'll take with me the heart-connectedness we've shared.
We've made it through the Ascension Portal. With the intense energies of the ascension in retreat and the deceleration becoming more evident, a slower pace of life is restoring stability to our lives. As all begins to change you are prepared to deepen your own insights. Your Soul is here and ready to inspire you with new possibilities. While the energy quality is calmer, it is easier to be fully present in the moment and to see what's going on in every direction around you with astonishing clarity. I am leaving you fashioned with a new crystalline Light (light=wisdom) glowing in your field.
As you witness things settling into the new order and wisdom be patient and confident. The actual planetary grid system has changed and the protocols by which the dark and light engage each one another have altered. The Light now has a bigger impact - a far more powerful one. Yet still you need to understand that Spirit moves slowly, especially within a linear timeframe of how fast consciousness is able to change on a planet.
The next fifteen years, the change-over years, are when many old dysfunctional systems will fall apart to be replaced by new systems built on respectful understandings of reality. Humanity will be making numerous adjustments to its beliefs, attitudes and lifestyles; the center of balance and sanity will be found again in society; yet to achieve this, extremes must be reined in and limits set. During the change-over, people will have a great desire for the old-energy stability to be restored, yet the clearing away of out-moded energies is like one season giving way to the next.
When you see such experiences taking place don't make a judgment that 2013 is not what you thought. When you witness more imbalance on the planet, even some things you didn't expect - and indeed there will be - don't throw up your hands and say, "Here it is again. We didn't make a difference." Because you did. Planetary shifting works slowly. Energy is shifting.
The now-forming foundations of the new era will represent new refinements in human consciousness, and to achieve such refinement humanity will have to see beyond personal beliefs and projections, into a crystal clear recognition of the connection to All Life. As a species we have suffered from psychic ignorance and separation from our natural abilities. As the value of compassion, cooperation and the connectedness of all life are recognized the behavior in modern society will morph and the wounds that arose from humanity's fears and ignorance will heal.
I am ready to pass the torch of transformation on to you. Each of you in my spiritual family knows from the core of your being that you ARE the journey of Spirit here to embrace its essence once again in daily life. You are in that group of humans who have awakened to the realization that God is inside.
I sit within the heart of the Universe and am filled with love and deep, deep gratitude for every moment I have spent with you. Thank you for enriching and expanding my life, blessing the sacred Collective life of humanity, and for working so diligently to shift planetary consciousness.
In the truest sense, we are all magicians playing with the forces of creation in the material world to bring about a new future infused with the vibrations and frequencies of Love.
I invite you to contact me at any time at
Shaping a new era is truly a noble task and it has been a pleasure to share a bit of this endeavor with you,
©2013 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.