The Morning Blessing 11.27.12

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The Morning Blessing



While doing your inner work, you can know that you are becoming more spiritually mature by the degree of conscious gratitude you experience in your life.  You will stop taking the Spirit for granted!  You will stop taking yourself for granted and begin relating to yourself as an exquisitely crafted creation of the Infinite. You will find yourself giving thanks for every breath that you take; for the continuous flow of blessings that find their way to your doorstep.  You cease taking for granted things that on the surface appear to be part and parcel of life: friendship, love, community, home, clothing, music, nature, sunshine.  Gratitude informs your heart and awareness of the underlying Divine Presence in these soulful expressions.

Gratitude is the opposite of complaining.  Honestly check in with yourself and observe the backdrop of your gratitude thinking - giving thanks for what is. Are you graciously receiving each day or are you incessantly complaining about what you imagine you don't have and think you should have, or do have and don't want?  In your answer lies whether or not you identify more with your true identity as the Self, content in its own being, or if you are stuck in the ego's whining, self-absorbed attachments.

Gratitude rests upon the solid rock of trust, the circle of trust built in relationship with Spirit.  You no longer resist what is, or what is not.  Yours becomes a life of surrender, loving the Giver more than Its gifts.  When this happens then you are in the flow of the way things really are, and God's Life is consciously our own.  Live that today!


What else can I tell someone who wants it all?



Throughout the flow of passing seasons I have known

the Ancient One in me. This wise old seer murmurs quietly

to me about its shimmering excitement in every sentient

shape and form. It beckons me to imagine the inner in all:

soul, intelligence, the secret worlds! I yearn to strip away

whatever stands between my spirit and the source of All.


Today I bring the spirit of gratitude to my world. I notice how

silently it moves, how sweet its arrival is upon my senses.

My most living moments come when amazement and clear 

thought invite me into the call of my own Soul. That beautiful

someone that lives the illusion of human appearance. It is she

that continually opens my heart, working her alchemy; sending

the lifeblood of Original Source. This pilgrimage allows God to

prompt me with humility and gratitude. It is the conversation

with her voice that begs me to be generous.


Weak minds may not trust, but I live this inner joy outwardly

revealing the Absolute to all. I take off my mental-clothes and 

enter the Soul's river of Truth; the place of sincerity where the

Lord of All calls me out for healing. Gladly I enter. And so it is.

