There is One Presence that fills all life. It is a love that flows, encircles, and
swallows up all that has been created. I am in tandem with this One Presence
as the spectrum of Me, and I celebrate it as my life this very day, this very
moment, even now this second. I am One with that that is inherent within all
spectrums of the earth, of the sky, of the water, of the air, of the stars and beyond.
From this foundation I bring forth "my purpose" of Being. I put all else aside and take these moments to instruct the mental body, the emotional field, and the cellular structure of physicality about the Truth of me.
I Am the holiness of Original Creation editing life so that all sequence of events are a performance of the academy of Selfhood in allegiance to thoughts of healing, thoughts of love, and thoughts of light. I did not descend from the Home Source just to become absorbed in the beauty of Earthly materialism. I came to move as a wave of ascended consciousness that cares for, loves, and touches every space of life.
I sit joyously in this knowing, allowing it to move inward and outward so that blesses all I embrace today. I graciously place this dialogue of light into universal law witnessing itsbenefits throughout the only life there is. And so it is.