The Morning Blessing 12.04.12

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The Morning Blessing


This arrived for you early this morning. XOXO Rev. Angela ;)


Memo From Higher Self:


You are in charge of birthing all you desire through your beliefs, through your engagements of energy, action, and thought!


As each of these move into your heart space you start to see them become externalized as your life.  You are the only one that creates stages and outcomes of situations that benefit your own Soul growth.  You, my dear self, have the ability in all abstract events in your life to pull in divine intervention, to rearrange what doesn't feel good, to rewrite the ending to any story. The buck stops with you.  You have the gift of coming full swing into Goodness if you choose.


All things, believe it or not, are at your beck and call and creation.


Thanks for listening 



There is One Presence that fills all life. It is a love that flows, encircles, and

swallows up all that has been created. I am in tandem with this One Presence

as the spectrum of Me, and I celebrate it as my life this very day, this very

moment, even now this second. I am One with that that is inherent within all

spectrums of the earth, of the sky, of the water, of the air, of the stars and beyond.


From this foundation I bring forth "my purpose" of Being. I put all else aside and take these moments to instruct the mental body, the emotional field, and the cellular structure of physicality about the Truth of me.


I Am the holiness of Original Creation editing life so that all sequence of events are a performance of the academy of Selfhood in allegiance to thoughts of healing, thoughts of love, and thoughts of light. I did not descend from the Home Source just to become absorbed in the beauty of Earthly materialism. I came to move as a wave of ascended consciousness that cares for, loves, and touches every space of life.


I sit joyously in this knowing, allowing it to move inward and outward so that blesses all I embrace today. I graciously place this dialogue of light into universal law witnessing itsbenefits throughout the only life there is. And so it is.

