The principle of Light reminds me that within the One everything
is reflected and it is through the separation that the beauty of
individuality is seen. For like our sunlight that bends and refracts
into a rainbow of primary colors, we are priceless unique elements
that will collectively gather back into one glorious spectrum of Light.
Today I witness the Light of God living in harmony and peace. No
occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. I refuse
to see all people as anything less than human beings, created by God.
Instead of cursing the one who took my place, I invite her to do so.
Rather than complain that the wait is too long, I thank Spirit for a
moment to pray. Instead of judging my global community with vengeful
ideals about what should be right, I choose to envision a peaceful state
where there are no enemies. I will be mindful that there is always a bigger
plan and that hope, faith, and love are the continual blessings that pour
forth even in times of despair. There will always be those who have
different opinions and ideas, but all of this can exist on a peaceful planet.
I am a spiritual being who commits to seeing love, joy, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-responsibility by the time
this day is done. And when I lay my head down upon my pillow tonight I
shall know that God's grace truly is never failing. And so it is.