Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Sophia is another Name For MotherGod=MotherEarth=Heart. Love The Earth Allies
Note to all readers: Please know that Sophia uses many words which are metaphors for others things pertaining to occult symbolism. You must understand that this is the RAW energy of Sophia, otherwise known as the Shekinah, the pure and almighty sacred feminine manifestation of the Creator. She speaks in a language that many will find hard to decipher.
Background: I close my eyes and I feel a fire. I see myself engulfed in this fire. This fire moves into my body and out of it and in and out and completely surrounds me. I know this energy; it is raw but I ask who wishes to connect with me anyway and I am told it is Sophia.
She begins to speak to me through this fire that resides within me. I feel and hear the voice coming from deep inside of me. She tells me I am being baptized once again with fire. Sophia proceeds to speak as I type…
“Heed my words and heed them well for I speak to those who are ready to hear and understand the undercurrents of truth that unite within the minds and hearts of all that bear witness to my existence. Not one of you is forgotten, not one of you is misplaced within the mind of the Creator.
The dark path has been opened up for the travelers of the East. They bring with them the truth of what has been and what is to come. Many talk about the future but not many talk about the past. Not many realize that the answers to the future lives in the past for it is there where all the true teachings were planted and it is from this Tree of Knowledge that bears the fruit that feeds the mystics of today.
Feel the ancients begin to rise. Rise from below your very feet. They have already endured the process of involution, already faced the pain of incarnation, and now they as ascending to meet the Sun. Truth and wisdom awaits them and they shall use it to open more channels with the scribes of old, the story tellers, the reality makers, the ones that build your world with their manifestations of the Tree.
I, Sophia, dig my feet deep down into the Earth. My hands reach up to the heavens and I grasp the moon. The Sun descends through the Holy Crown of the Queen and settles within the womb of chaos. I, Sophia, the divine feminine and sacred Priestess and injector of knowledge, send my roots down into the underworld to awaken the slumbering prophets. I spread my stirring call into the depths of awakening and rebirth. My roots, they are the serpents; they are the Sun worshipers. My roots; no axe can cut, no man can destroy. My serpents that change their skin and shape shift into beings of light, who dwell within human skin and who connect with the human psyche.
I will reignite the flame on Earth. I will sear the souls of all who know me and all who do not know me. I will instill within all the almighty rush of fire that will flip and turn the minds of those who have become my foe. I will instill with in all my gift of peace but first all must be cleansed and humbled to understand my place on the throne of Earth. With my hands I offer you the choice of sacrifice. I offer the choice to sacrifice the idol, the false image that you have called god. I offer you the opportunity to sacrifice this image upon my altar that is the branch of Daath. You have been bound and chained as I; bound and chained within the mind of you who have bound me with your ignorance. You must sacrifice the false idol of god to release me within you, so that I may bring forth all that is born from me.
Now the emanations of Venus will connect with your reality and along these channels and pathways walks a warrior of light who carries the light of the Sun and becomes the Sun and who bears the crown of the Star.
You shall know him. You shall know OF him. You will feel the thunderous cry of the gods as he enters your existence. You will feel the earth shake, you will see the lightening strike, you will transcend into a time of memory when you had known of him before.
You speak of your enslavement and I speak of mine. Know that all is mental; all is within the illusion that takes its role in your lives. You are not really here. You are not part of this reality. You are all vehicles that carry the message of the divine and stand in attendance and service to combat those who have discovered the keys to controlling your minds. The key is with you, the gate is with you, the bringer of destinies is soon to be with you.
And you shall enter into a new covenant. A covenant where your soul is the bargaining tool that never again will any of you put your foot upon your brothers and sisters. The covenant is the bargaining tool for your existence that you never again will you forget me. I can be cruel but I am fair. I can be ruthless until you recognize that you do not fight me but fight yourselves when you rebel against the divine laws of the universe or none of you can escape them for you are them. I AM you and I am love.
I thought the tree of
I thought the tree of knowledge was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.....duality and judgement.
We are to eat of the tree of Life.
This one is not agreeing with me at all.
This one is not agreeing with me at all. Sounds so dark. Eeeek