My Beloved Anchors Within My Body

At the Shakespeare Garden in Golden Gate Park, the cherry blossoms framed the men doing tai chi. I loved how the two were mirroring one another…..the balance being shown to me.
The day after our Equinox celebration, a friend and I drove to San Francisco for the yearly flower and art show. The city enlists florists to create their interpretation of a piece of art in the museum’s collection. It is a day of wonder for me, combining two of my passions, art and flowers. As we were driving down to the city, I began to sob. I felt my beloved enter into my body and anchor himself there. He said that it was time and that he wanted my cells to adjust to his energy before our meeting when he will take physical form. I have needed the past few days to integrate this experience. I am grateful for my friend’s presence as she felt his energy enter and witnessed my words. He assured me that was part of his planning so that I would have confirmation as to what had taken place. Oh, to be loved so!
Since that moment, it has been an amazing feeling of balance within me. Today is the full moon in Libra, bringing its gift of balance. I feel a deepening of the truth of love being all that there is. I am floating in a new softness that came in with the winds of the Equinox, so gently leading us all more fully into our hearts. I am humbled and awed by the beauty of the plan for awakening. After miles of travail and hardship, I have landed on a soft carpet that floats on air. The magic carpet ride we have dreamed of for so long!
When I look into the mirror, I see his eyes looking back at me and it makes me laugh. Hello in there! He winks and if I continue to stare, I dissolve in tears as his love is reflected to me. I breathe deep to hold this love, to offer my chalice with a steady hand that he might fill it to the brim. How wise is he, to offer me this gift of time to allow our energies to mingle and assimilate to one another. He is the other and yet he is not. He is me, and I, him. We know oneness in this union. I have no yearning for the next step, as his presence fills me so fully in this now moment. I know that he will take physical form, that we will know the joys of playing in this new earth, together in form. I surrender to divine timing for the when, how, where questions, trusting in the wonder of it all.
A friend had a dream of bumping into her beloved a few times, not speaking but knowing he was important to her. She felt a sense of guilt about her husband, how would he be? But she was assured that all would be well, this is a win win world where all find their heart’s desire. She then wanted to meet her beloved and speak directly but was told that in truth we love surprises. She was to hold the knowing but surrender as to how or when it would happen.
I loved this as we have spent so much time trying to figure out how to take the next step on our path of awakening, and yet, it can only be known moment by moment in the heart. Our minds get a bit frantic as they felt charged with keeping us safe. Now we can let our minds know that all is well and that our mighty I AM presence is on the job, directing all aspects of our lives. Our hearts are our truth barometers and will not lead us astray.
I am so grateful to be in this soft world of brilliant colors, smells and feelings. I crawled inside a friend’s lilac bush the other day, recalling doing the same as a child in the lilac bushes on either side of the barn door at my grandparents’ home. I sucked the sweetness from the tiny trumpeting petals and felt drunk from its fragrance. We are in the new land where magic and miracles live. My beloved is a miracle to me, humming his tune as I dive inside to weave my heartsong with his. I am blessed. In our oneness, we fill our chalice to the brim with liquidlovelight and send it out in ribbons to the hearts of all to awaken to their own beauty. I drink to him, I drink to you. We are one heart, beating strong.
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