My Summer Solstice Miracle: Chief Of Surgery Goes Holistic!

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There is one surgeon in the O.R. everyone calls, 'Little Miss Sunshine' behind his back. Married three times and the former Chief of Surgery and Chief of Medical Staff at not one but two local hospitals, he is the most 'conventional' surgeon I know. Always watching CSI-type shows on T.V. in the lounge, always being political and talking about it like a good doctor, I thought his Vibration was not on the 'Fast Track' like mine, you know? And yet, in the middle of the night, this man does wonders with those who are sick and dying. His colleagues his age send the young docs in their groups to cover the O.R. But not Dr. 'Joe L'. He is the last of a dying breed, the general surgeon. But on the Solstice, I discovered he has written a book about ALL therapies for cancer (Did you know eighty-five percent are preventable?, he shared). It is due out in August and called 'Conquering Cancer'. It is also on the Solstice I revealed to him my work I do as Reiki Doc. We are now excited to fight the 'good fight' together! More at: