GFP Note: I came across this article after uploading the video shown here earlier today. This information answers a lot of questions about that video and also raises some new ones!
By ANI | ANI – Mon 30 Jul, 2012
Kuala Lumpur, July 30 (ANI): A locally shot video posted on YouTube has got people talking about a possible UFO sighting over Malaysia.
But experts have shot down the possibility saying that there had to be an explanation for the phenomenon.
To read the rest of this story, visit Yahoo! India.
UFO vids
So the DONUT one over CHINA, then that appeared NUMEROUS TIMES, even caught during DAYLIGHT? What about THAT ONE? What about the Head shaped one? Doubt those are weather ballons, I have a pic of what one looks like.
Tell me the one over Vancouver...Ive sketched it over 10 years FAKE....
Little GREY men it of the Majestic Army guys just went public.