The Myth of Only 5 Senses

will's picture

It's strange that in our modern age will still teach about the "5 senses", as if sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch (pressure) is all that we can sense. How do we tell if something is hot or cold? So sensing temperature brings us up to 6 senses. How about when you need to go to the bathroom (there 2 more senses), how can you tell which way is up (9 senses so far), how can you sense pain? So there's 10 senses I've counted already, and that's not even a complete list. Perhaps it's sensory overload that makes people want to believe there's only 5 senses?

There's also a whole lot that happens subconsciously with our senses that we're only recently discovering collectively. It was just discovered that skin can smell. We can communicate with each other through subtle odors called pheromones. It was also recently discovered that the human brain responds to changes in magnetic fields, but mainstream science has been very resistant to this idea so far.

Then there's the empathic sense, how we can tell what another person is feeling. It's often considered a psychic sense, but even for people out of touch with the Oneness they share with all life, you can still pick up on how another person is feeling through their body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. This is a very important sense to be conscious of, since it's easy to take on another person's emotions. Fear can spread like a virus, but then again, so can Love.

We hear about the "6th sense" (12th sense? 13th sense? Who's counting?) as if all the different psychic senses only count as one sense! I already mentioned our empathic sense, how about intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, and all the other fun stuff that can come with the opening of the third eye? I'm not even going to try to count them all, but I should hope at this point it's quite obvious that we're not limited to only 5 or 6 senses.

So why is this important? Well, for being grounded and being present, it's very important to acknowledge everything you are feeling. While I wouldn't expect to be aware of the whole myriad of senses all at once, it's of no benefit to have this overly simplistic view that you only have 5 senses. Those kind of limiting beliefs take away from the incredible wealth of experience we have in every moment.


The Galactic Free Press
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