NASA's Cover Ups & Alien Interaction

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Published on Jun 26, 2013 by DiscoveryDisclosure

British ufologist and author Nick Redfern argued that NASA has hidden from the public, evidence of UFO visitations to the Earth, and astronaut sightings of UFOs in space, as well as been involved in cover-ups such as with the Roswell Incident, and the Face on Mars. "The more you look into it, the more we do find profound and fascinating stories that link NASA with UFOs, alien encounters, conspiracies...and different phenomena," he reported. One document from 1965 detailed a joint FBI/NASA effort to catch a NASA whistleblower who was leaking UFO information and photographs to NICAP. Around that time, the Gemini 4 spacecraft was said to have a UFO detection system built into it, he added.

A former NASA employee, Donna Hare, revealed that NASA actively covered up and altered or airbrushed photographic evidence, said Redfern. Similarly, an employee at Langley Field, Virginia, Karl Wolfe, said there was an effort to cover-up photographic evidence of a large base on the far side of the moon. It was Donna Hare's story that inspired Gary McKinnon to hack into NASA's computer system to look for photos, and he reportedly ran across the phrase "non-terrestrial officers," Redfern noted.

NASA has also been interested in alien abductions. They've been clandestinely monitoring this scenario with their own think tank, said Redfern, and concluded the abductions are of a rather ominous nature. In general, NASA may be hiding the truth for a variety of reasons, including:

The implications of ET life disturbs our world view.
The admission that we are not in control of our skies.
Technology from recovered UFOs could replace or upset our current forms of energy.


Nick Redfern has been interested in UFOs since 1978. His main area of research centers around determining what has been learned about the UFO subject at an official level in Britain. He has spent hundreds of hours at the Public Record Office in London, and has uncovered thousands of pages of previously-classified Royal Air Force, Air Ministry and Ministry of Defense files on UFOs dating from the Second World War. Nick is the author of several best-selling books on UFOs including: The FBI Files: The FBI's UFO Top Secrets Exposed; and Cosmic Crashes: The Incredible Story Of The UFOs That Fell To Earth. Nick also lectures on the UFO subject both in the U.K. and abroad.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. Since February 2006, NASA's mission statement has been to "pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research." On September 14, 2011, NASA announced that it had selected the design of a new Space Launch System that it said would take the agency's astronauts farther into space than ever before and provide the cornerstone for future human space exploration efforts by the U.S.

NASA was established by the National Aeronautics and Space Act on July 29, 1958, replacing its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The agency became operational on October 1, 1958. U.S. space exploration efforts have since been led by NASA, including the Apollo moon-landing missions, the Skylab space station, and later the Space Shuttle. Currently, NASA is supporting the International Space Station and is overseeing the development of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle and Commercial Crew vehicles. The agency is also responsible for the Launch Services Program (LSP) which provides oversight of launch operations and countdown management for unmanned NASA launches.

NASA science is focused on better understanding Earth through the Earth Observing System, advancing heliophysics through the efforts of the Science Mission Directorate's Heliophysics Research Program, exploring bodies throughout the Solar System with advanced robotic missions such as New Horizons, and researching astrophysics topics, such as the Big Bang, through the Great Observatories and associated programs. NASA shares data with various national and international organizations such as from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite.

The Moon landing conspiracy theories claim that some or all elements of the Apollo program and the associated Moon landings were hoaxes staged by NASA and members of other organizations. Various groups and individuals have made such conspiracy claims since the mid-1970s. The most notable claim is that the six manned landings (1969--1972) were faked and that the twelve Apollo astronauts did not walk on the Moon. Conspiracy theorists (henceforth conspiracists) base their claims on the notion NASA and others knowingly misled the public into believing the landings happened by manufacturing, destroying, or tampering with evidence; including photos, telemetry tapes, transmissions, rock samples, and even some key witnesses.

