Natalie Glasson – Master Kuthumi – The Eternal Love Of The Heart – 27 May 2013

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pleiadedolphininfos Wednesday, May 29, 2013

natalie glasson

A constant aspect of acting as a tool and beacon of receiving light upon the Earth is to be observant of the need for constant cleansing of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is a tool which fuels all experiences upon the Earth, the level of the  openness of your heart chakra allows you to perceive your reality, self, the Creator and even your own healing process with varied levels of understanding. When the heart chakra is open then you are abundant in your ability to accept and to give the vibrations, wisdom and essence of the Creator. Your energy vibration shifts to a quicker frequency and you are able to move into a state of clarity throughout your entire being especially the mind. With the openness of the heart chakra it can seem as if you are connecting to higher dimensions and aspects of yourself as you are receiving a constantly vibrating current of yourself and the Creator flowing throughout your being. The openness of the heart chakra to whatever degree allows for higher aspects of yourself to ground into your embodiment.

When the heart chakra is closed or closing it can signify that the heart or the mind has become focused upon pain within the heart chakra. This pain may have always been present or it may have emerged recently due to experiences but the mind can become besotted with the pain, reminding your entire body of the pain in the heart constantly. It is as if your focus wishes to send the vibration of the pain into the entire body as if to become the vibration of pain. To enter into the vibration of pain in this way may seem as if it could bring forth a healing or solution to the pain but in actual fact allows your entire vibration to slow down and your heart to close or protect itself. It is often when pain is experienced in the heart chakra that the heart closes taking on the pain or even becoming the pain, finding love within the heart chakra can become increasingly difficult unless the focus of the mind is altered. Remember, that which you create or focus upon you experienced. So if you focus upon pain in the heart chakra the heart chakra seems to embody the  pain because of your focus.
In many ways you experience an illusion created by yourself and your focus, you allow yourself to enter into a reality where pain is real and the pain that you focus upon in your heart becomes your reality. The truth is that the pain is merely a blemish upon a clean and loving canvas of love. Your heart is always filled with the love of the Creator; love is eternally present and cannot be dissolved by pain or fear. If you imagine your heart chakra as a clean window, but you notice a blemish upon the window, once you notice the blemish it becomes all that you can see, the clean window no longer has value or relevance because of this blemish which is almost consuming your attention. It can be the same for the heart chakra.

It is true that within your heart chakra you can store much pain and fears, in many ways you could imagine your heart as a storing cupboard where you not only allow yourself to hold the love of the Creator and your soul but you also store energies, memories and wisdom that you perceive as valuable. Sometimes you store things within your heart chakra because they need to be hidden until you are ready to  acknowledge or address them. Not only is your heart chakra an instrument of love for you to experience and express the love of the Creator but it is also a space in which you store energies, memories and wisdom. Sometimes fears can be locked within your heart acting as tools, they will emerge at the most appropriate time to aid a healing and inspire you with a new realisation about yourself. The heart chakra is also a tool of magnification and this can be why pain held within the heart can become overpowering within your being and mind. It is important to remember that when you experience pain of the heart chakra that love is always and remains present within your heart chakra, you have a choice whether you wish to acknowledge the love or not. The presence of love within your heart chakra can allow for a quick and  beautiful healing of any pain that is experienced but the key is to remain observant of the pain but to draw your focus away from the fear and to place it in the realisation that your heart chakra is always abundant with love.

When you feel alone, afraid, sad or any kind of emotion that causes pain in the heart chakra to emerge, it is important to remember and to remind yourself that love still remains within your body, being and reality. Love is eternal within your being and just requires your focus
in order to bring it to the forefront for experiencing. In moments of heartache you have chosen to bring pain to the forefront to be experience, this is your choice and you always have the opportunity to change your choice and to choose the experience of love through reminding yourself that love is always present within your heart chakra and can be summand forward in waves to aid deep healing.

The heart chakra also has the ability to download the higher self into your being and embodiment. Your higher self is constantly downloading its energy and presence into your heart chakra for your further  understanding and expression. Your higher self can be explained as the aspect of the Creator that is needed to be merged with your being. You hold within your being your soul which is your essence, truth and is an aspect of the Creator. Your soul in some ways can never be complete because there is no separation between your soul, your soul group and the Creator. These are all aspects or quicker vibrations of the Creator.

When you are accepting yourhigher self you are accepting a quicker vibration of the Creator that will serve you in that moment so it may be an aspect of your soul, soul group or the Creator but it is an aspect which holds insights and realisations to aid your embodiment of the Creator.  With this understanding your heart chakra is constantly downloading, realising or attuning to your higher self. It is often that when you seek guidance or inspiration that you cannot comprehend which part of yourself you require assistance from, but when you call upon your higher self you are allowing a part of yourself, whether your soul, soul group, Creator or even guide to step forward and provide.

I am aware that many experience confusion with labels such as soul, soul group, higher self, Creator and so forth, but it served me while within a physical body upon the Earth to understand my higher self  almost as the next stage of integration of or with the Creator, it is a vibration that is constantly evolving and increasing in vibration because you are constantly accepting your higher self which is akin to pieces of the Creator. Your higher self is a part of yourself and the Creator which is always providing to you all that you need. It is akin to a bridge that allows you to easily access all that is the Creator in order to embody the Creator more fully within your being. Your soul could be explained as the essence of the Creator that is attached to the incarnation, your soul group is the source from which your soul extends, your higher self is the bridge between your soul and soul group and all of these aspects  including your physical body are aspects of the Creator.

You may wish to ask me, Master Kuthumi, to come forward to be of  service to you in cleansing your heart chakra. The love that I now share with you as I exist before you will assist you in allowing your heart  chakra to expand and open appropriately. Allow yourself to breathe the love that I share with you deep into your heart centre. Your focus is  upon your heart chakra being open and expansive. You may wish to repeat; ‘My heart chakra is open and expansive.’

Then call upon your soul which is attuned and can be expressed through your heart chakra to come forward and cleanse your heart chakra of all unneeded energies. Ask your soul to cleanse your mind of all unneeded focuses within the heart chakra also. Imagine the light of your soul washing and purifying your heart chakra or the space of love within your being. Allow love to flow from your heart chakra, sending it into your surroundings to focus upon the flow of love and the ample love that you hold within your being.

‘My heart chakra is attuned to my higher self; I allow the vibration of my higher self to flow into and through my heart chakra. My heart chakra is an expression of my higher self.’ Allow yourself to experience this  integration. ‘I allow myself to recognise any pain in my heart chakra if and when it needs to be released and to inspire further growth. I realise that I do not need to allow the pain to consume my heart chakra completely but that I can observe the pain while remembering that my heart is filled with love eternally. It is my realisation of my eternal love that allows me to constantly cleanse, realise and heal my heart chakra
allowing for the greater expression of my higher self.’

Allow time to experience, observe and integrate. May your heart chakra be your greatest joy,
Master Kuthumi / link to original article
