Our movement into the new time is aided by strengthening the connection between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind or spirit. This connection between our conscious and subconscious is the essence of our spiritual strength, which is reflected at the physical level by our immune system.
Inner Unification Helps us Step Free of Third-Dimensional Realities We know all too well how a weak immune system can leave us susceptible to illness. At the spiritual level, a weak or faltering connection between our conscious and subconscious leaves us susceptible to thought viruses that undermine our ability to step free of third-dimensional experiences.
When our focus is heavily weighted in physical reality, our connection with our soul is sketchy. A consciousness that sees physical reality as all there is will find itself limited to the part of existence that can be experienced through the physical senses. Anyone who underestimates the limiting nature of a purely physical perspective is overlooking the role that dreams, the imagination and intuitive guidance play in our daily lives.
A Thought Virus is a Low-Vibrational Thoughtform that goes Viral Thought viruses bind and enslave us to physical reality. A thought virus is a low-vibrational thoughtform that essentially "goes viral" in that it is passed from one person to another until it becomes accepted at certain levels of resonance as absolute.
Thought viruses are free- floating in collective consciousness, often passed down from generation to generation so their original source is long forgotten. Thought viruses feed on life-force energy. Scarcity is a Primary Thought Virus An example of a thought virus is scarcity. Thoughts of scarcity tell us we are small, disempowered, impoverished, unloved, and existing along a timeline that resembles a barren wasteland.
It's easy to imagine one's self from this perspective to be without access to the universal storehouse of information and resources. When a person falls prey to a thought virus, their beliefs are modified by the virus and they begin acting in ways consistent with the false reality propagated by the virus. Scarcity is a thought virus from which other thought viruses develop.
Scarcity spawns thought viruses that there is not enough time, money, love and other resources to realize our true potential or fulfill our spiritual mission. It follows that if we don't have enough for ourselves, we don't have anything to share with others. Many of the lower-vibrational timelines are based in scarcity consciousness in one form and or another.
The thoughtform of not having enough is at the root of many violent crimes, destructive behaviors, diseases and other forms of disharmony. Bolstering our Spiritual Immune System Against the Scarcity Virus What we're saying here is not a matter of judgment. Souls journey along scarcity timelines to learn this virus from the inside out.
Once their experience is complete, a deeper understanding of the scarcity thought virus bolsters the spiritual immune system, allowing it to see through lower-vibrational thoughtforms. The healing for scarcity is to replace this thought virus with thoughtforms of abundance, unconditional love, and gratitude. These thoughts lift us to high-vibrational timelines where our highest potentials manifest.
Emotional Healing Strengthens our Spiritual Immune System If we find it difficult to allow ourselves to exist in a state of gratitude and abundance, it may be time to work with past selves to clear up misunderstandings. Emotional healing and clearing is a major step toward strengthening our spiritual immune system.
Past emotional baggage exists in our consciousness as weak points or triggers for thought viruses. If we still hold childhood emotions around not being loved or if we we're still hurting from the long ago loss of a loved one, we are easy prey for thought viruses. By working with younger aspects of our consciousness, re-parenting them so to speak, we become the higher self for other aspects of our consciousness and are able to facilitate our own healing.
Creating a Continuity of Consciousness that Transcends Lifetimes Whenever our current "focus self" chooses to serve as the physical reflection of our higher self in this lifetime, we create a continuity of consciousness that transcends lifetimes. Through the process of entrainment, focus selves across lifetimes are able to join hands to create the inner unification that underlies ascension consciousness.
When we stand in the love and abundance of our spirit, we see the world around us through the eyes of our higher self. From this place, every decision we make, every thought and action, brings us a step further along the fifth-dimensional timelines that are a signpost of the new time.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org/timeline-and-identity-shifts-e/ For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta http://celestialvision.squarespace.com/the-future-is-here-now/ For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/