~Nephilim message to humanity~ Aligning With Your Star Families

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support as the New Earth changes begin to appear in your outer waking life experiences and begin to FLOW in the New Earth energetic frequencies. We are here in order to help you understand the changes as they now begin to shift and to alter this your human life experience, here upon planet earth at this time. For many of you the aligning with your STAR FAMILIES has now begun in earnest, there may be many of you who now connect with little thought of how the process of connection unfolds and we send much love and many blessings for the ability to let go and to BE. For others your origin may only now be beginning to illuminate around you, through you and within you. For the STAR MAP that is held deep within the HEART space is now illuminating for ALL who have chosen to step forward and to help the human race align fully with the New Earth at this moment.

Our children have incarnated across and within planet earth and now our children in their human form will begin to illuminate clearly to, through and within each other. Those of you who are aligned with our channel will find communications expanding and deepening and we ask for you to TRUST the process that now begins to unfold within the human vehicle into which you chose to incarnate.  We are here to communicate to our children in their human form and to re-code and re-align them fully with the next phase of what is termed “ascension” within the human race upon planet earth at this moment.

We send out the codings of 333, 777 and 999 to our children in their human form, we place the STAR TETRAHEDRON within the HEART space and we place above this the SEAL OF SOLOMON. We ask that you remember why you incarnated into this reality and we ask for you to open fully the HEART space in TRUTH.  We place the WHITE DOVE of peace at the throat chakra and we place the SEAL OF SOLOMON above this symbol. We place the DODECAHEDRON at the brow chakra and place the SEAL of SOLOMON above this. Let the clouds depart, let the RAINBOWS now shine brightly and illuminate the path beneath your feet. We place angel wings upon your back and ask that you remember how to FLY FROM WITHIN.  We place the coding of 222 and the frequency of the colour of liquid gold within your SOULSTAR chakra and we place the SEAL of SOLOMON above this symbol.

Take HEART little ones for the journey may have appeared to be other than it IS in TRUTH. Your family now walk among you and many of you will now be placed in the positions that you have asked for in order to meet with your SOUL family in TRUTH in their human and NON human forms. We guide for clarity that those who are here to birth the New Earth are now moved fully into place on ALL levels of this their human life experience.

TRUST and FAITH in SELF is the key to the New Earth, this is found within the HEART space for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE. We are the Nephilim and we are here with you at all times, for WE ARE YOU in TRUTH.


(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


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