Lia's picture


by nesaraaustralia


NESARA means:

The National Economic Security and Reformation Act

ZEROES OUT (Forgives) ALL Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational,
and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds!

ABOLISHES the IRS! Tax Collections Cease IMMEDIATELY. Creates a Sales
Tax Revenue on non-essential new items ONLY to fund legit government

Creates a U.S. Treasury Bank System; Absorbs the Federal Reserve;
Issues new precious metals backed currency! Permanently ELIMINATES

Restores Constitutional Law; Retrains public servants to uphold
Constitutional Law, including law enforcement, the courts and the
remaining government agencies!

Requires the immediate RESIGNATIONS of the current administration.
Constitutionally acceptable President and Vice President Designates
will take office. New elections will be held 120 days from the day of
the announcement!

Requires the President Designate to DECLARE PEACE immediately; ENDS
all aggressive U.S. military actions. This promotes the above banking
changes to take place internationally. Many more beneficial
improvements to follow worldwide.

Born as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1993 rulings, NESARA
upheld the Farmers� Union charges that U.S. banks were fraudulently
foreclosing on farm mortgages and that the U.S. government was in
collusion with these banks.

Drawn up as reformations, NESARA was passed secretly in March, 2000
and signed into law by Bill Clinton in October, 2000.

Strict gag orders were in effect early on, but news of NESARA�S
passage began coming from U.S. naval intelligence contacts in June,
2000. Now, thousands of people know about NESARA.

The U.S. Supreme Court Justices need to hear that we Americans support
the true NESARA law. Public support will help the Justices streamline
the process to get this law announced and implemented WITHOUT DELAY!

NESARA will be the FIRST worldwide economic action to put MORE MONEY
in your pockets, bring instant PEACE and restore our God-Given
LIBERTIES. ALL nations will soon follow suit!


Write a 23 cent POSTCARD to the U.S. Supreme Court. Urge the Justices
to make NESARA's official announcement immediately. They are waiting
to hear from YOU.

Send your postcard to:

U.S. Supreme Court

One First Street

Washington, D.C. 20543

To get FULL DETAILS and Daily NESARA Updates, plus Archived Radio
Interviews, go to


ELEVEN Ways People can Confirm the true NESARA law!

Because many people directly involved with NESARA preparations have
signed secrecy agreements which put their careers and lives on the
line, they will only confirm NESARA to TRUSTED personal friends.

Here are 11 things people wanting to confirm NESARA for themselves can
do to research the FACT of the true NESARA law:

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with a
Bank President, ask the Bank President to privately confirm the fact
that U.S. bank officials have been aware of the U.S. Treasury Bank
system for over a year and confirm the "Rainbow Project" which is the
new U.S. Treasury currency.

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with
someone who works in management at the Federal Reserve Banks, ask this
person to confidentially confirm that the new U.S. Treasury Bank
system is imminent.

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with a
senior stockbroker or manager of a stockbrokerage office, ask them to
confidentially confirm that they have been briefed about the new U.S.
Treasury Bank system. (Many months ago, my senior stockbroker friend
of 20 years told me they had been briefed on the U.S. Treasury Bank

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal friend who is a Navy
Seal, ask them to confidentially confirm the fact of the true NESARA
law. About 90% of Navy Seals are aware of the true NESARA law and do
assignments to help carry out activities in support of NESARA. Some,
but not all, members of Delta Force units and other Special Forces in
the U.S. Military also know about the true NESARA law.

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal friend who works for
the U.S. Treasury Department in certain departments, such as printing
of currency, it is possible to confirm that the new "Rainbow" currency
has already been printed and is waiting to be distributed after the
true NESARA law announcement.

If you (or someone you know) personally knows a member of the German
Parliament who pass laws for Germany, Germany officially "approved" of
it's alliance with the true NESARA law some months ago and this was on
radio and television news. All major countries have had their national
assemblies vote on their "alliance" with the true NESARA law because
of the major "international banking law" changes that NESARA

If you (or someone you know) know someone who lives in Germany and
pays attention to the news, they can tell you that NESARA is openly
discussed in their media.

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with
the heads of the European Central Bank, the central bank of the Euro
Zone, ask them to confidentially confirm their knowledge of the true

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with
members of the British Parliament, ask them to confidentially confirm
their knowledge of the true NESARA law. The British Parliament
officially "approved" its alliance with the true NESARA law in late

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with
certain members of the U.S. Congress, "SOME" members are White Knights
and have confidentially confirmed to close personal friends that the
true NESARA law exists and is due to be announced;

If you (or someone you know) has a close personal relationship with a
currency trader, some currency traders have confirmed knowledge of the
new U.S. Treasury Bank system and Treasury currency.

Let The Truth Be Known




Postcards to Supreme Count

Darla Ken Pearce's picture

Why not email directly to the Court? Don't they have an email address as part of our government?  Let us petition them as well! Someone might develop a petition. We do this for everything else.


Who can afford 32 cents these days?

The Supreme Court?

Guest's picture

I have been working towards Ascention for quite some time now.  Long enough time to realize most of the Supreme Court is bought off.  I do hope they are removed because they have not been working for the good of the eople or following true law.  So no, I will never write to them and beg them anything.  Nesara does not need there approval at all.

been spreading the word about all

Guest's picture

that is going on, including NESARA and everyone thinks I am crazy though you can read all about it on line including wikipedia.


I will never stop believing but I am not convinced that lightworkers alone sharing information will wake everyone up.  Rather, I am convinced, many will remain asleep until something happens that will rattle them to the core.  Galactic brothers and sisters landing would sure do it, as would major changes in banking not just being discussed mainstream, but being implemented.