Never a Moment Wasted By Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

Thank you for your lovely thoughts, and comments about my mom’s current health situation. She’s doing better. Even though she hates it, she’s using a walker now, and we’re taking it slow, one day at a time.

For those reading this post now, my guess is you’ve noticed an increasing surge of change occurring within your lives.  Perhaps you are experiencing what some would call strange or unexplainable occurrences, but allow me to reassure you this is all perfectly normal. In fact, we need to experience these things in order to fully understand the truth of who we are.

As our experiences become more prevalent in our day-to-day life, constant might be a better word, and if the time comes where we think we’ve reached the end of our rope maybe we can teach ourselves to take a closer look at what is being shown to us.  In other words, maybe the edges aren’t as old, and frayed as we think.

I’ve felt like this a lot lately, not only in the situation with my mom, but with a lot of things which are playing out in my life now.  Maybe you would agree if I were to say, it feels as if everything is coming all at once, and from every possible direction?

This resurfacing of feelings, emotions, situations, and/or life reviews which tend to crop up while in the midst of our day-to-day  responsibilities within our jobs, our families, and relationships can become overwhelming at times.  We might remember the old saying, “Here it comes, ready or not.”

As our inner work intenisifies the lessons we are to learn, and the issues we may need to release will overflow into every aspect of our lives, as it was meant to because from now on our every thought, and action is up for review.  It’s not my intention to be overly blunt here, but I’d suggest we batten down the hatches, and get used to it because more learning is definetely coming.

 And, if you’re like me, one who wants to move forward into the new paradigm, and one who wants to BE their truth, to learn, and to grow in the highest, and best way then we will need to put forth our greatest effort especially when we feel overloaded in face of what seems at times an impossible task.  

This year promises to be one of great internal change which will undoubtedly affect many facets of our lives.  We will become acutely aware of our purpose here at this time, and perhaps what follows are certain life changes which we may chose to make in order to fully step into our new roles, and our new way of being.

We must also remember,no matter how hard we think it is, all of it, and I do mean All, is for our greater good, and learning. With each difficult step comes great teachings from our guides, and Compassionate Allies.  No moment is wasted when it comes to our learning, and growth.

Something compels me to write, to communicate with you, and to reach out to others. I certainly don’t know all the answers, but this is what I need to do now.  I really appreciate those who read this blog, and what gives me the greatest pleasure is that you enjoy what you read. It’s always inspiring when we find that we resonate with each other on so many levels through our experiences, and our heart-felt thoughts.  In a way I think this brings us together even more as a community, and I might add, a global community because that’s what we are now.  We are one.

This is becoming more and more clear to me with each passing day, only now the horizon has expanded to that of the spirit world as well, which I’d like to tell you about in my next post. I think its time. I’ve been urged to speak my truth, and please understand whatever you read here, will always be the truth.

Much love to all,


