The New Energy Shift. Saint Germain The Revelations of The New Energy Surge by Dedicated Lightworker

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Published on May 16, 2013

Greetings beautiful beings I am Saint Germain. I am here with you today to bring my message forward. Here I would like to speak about the changes that will be occurring on your planet due to the next energy surge that will be happening soon. Some of you already started to feel these energies penetrating your field. Yes, they can be quite heavy and dis-harmonious for some of you, although it is not their intention dear ones. Those energies are here to bring the process of clearing from the old. So bless your everyday experiences as you will go through a lot of them. As you noticed time goes so fast, it is indeed overlapping itself and making the great path for the new energies to come forward. Dear ones please do not be fearful of the energies that are coming on your way. Those energies are here to help you, yes some of you will be going through tuff experiences, but again their intention is to bring great release of all the old, that is no longer serving you. This is a rebirth of your being. The only difference is that you do not need to die for this to happen. So please take those energies with great blessings, thank them for doing such great job of clearing your path, allowing new energies to merge with your body and your spirit. Bless them if you are going through some difficulties.