A New Kid on the Rez...
Initially on planet Gaia fear was a survival instinct only experienced by those who hunted. It was not a daily occurrance.
No one was ever afraid of being hurt their relations, not of brothers, mothers, sisters, fathers or a different tribe. They all got along. Without bickering and quarreling or fighting over money and expenses, they had time for happier things...
There was so much joy, fun teasing each other, laughing... playing games! The greatest teasing was about sexual relations! With expansive humor one might jovially ask, "Did I see you with Mata in the woods, last nite? Ya? Oh, ya, I saw you!! Did you have a good time? Are you going to have a baby? I saw you making baby last nite! Tell me about it!
I was not born on the rez. I was adopted there into their ways as an adult. I had a very hard time with this way of teasing each other over sex, because growing up my mother always ACCUSED me of "doing" things that I either wasn't "doing" or didn't want her to know. I would have had a great price to pay, if you know what I mean... it was very hurtful.
Taking a quantum leap into a different culture was definitely a shock! In an Indian's culture, God tells the Indians just what lesson another person needs... even if neither is aware of it... the Indian just follow their intuition (because everything an Indian does is in reverence to Great Spirit god from the moment they wake up until they return to bed in the evening - sometimes with the Lakota, it's the next morning!), anyhow they completely trust their own gut feeling.. it works out that way! And they know Great Spirit loves fun!
Apparently, Great Spirit also knew I needed to "lighten up" about sex! It had always been such a serious thing in my life...
Well, they teased me and teased me about my having a new boyfriend... they even made stuff up! I became soo angry! Why, they shouldn't talk about such things!! Oh, how "cultured" I thought I was back then... AND I didn't hide my anger very well! But they didn't care about my anger... they are definitely not co-dependent when it comes to laughing relations!
It took about 4 days. I began to laugh and laugh and laugh! The relaxed life became so precious! I got in touch with a more natural way of living... not so pretentious, not so emotionally harmful to myself... so I shifted. What they "did" for me was such a blessing. Now I live life as fun - not to provoke another... but by listening to My LOVING SOURCE I know I can trust... and will know what to do and say... it's so freeing just to totally RELAX and trust myself as a vehicle of LIFE. Aho!
Isn't it ironic that the "poorest" places on earth - without electricity, sometimes without heat, and having to haul water every day... are the happiest people! It was this way.... then the government brought the casinos in....
I love Your Love,
Mitakuye Oyasin! (to ALL my relations)