New Meditation for Mother at this time

Lia's picture



Please relax, ground into Mother's crystalline core with a loving grounding cord of your choosing. Connect then, with the Great Central Sun, the Supreme Being. Take a few moments to just breath in from both into your heart center. You can visualize and feel this as golden white light (Prana).


Breathe in "I" and out "AM". Visualize this golden-white light moving clockwise expanding out into your entire field. Feel its love, and your connection to that love, your Mother and God. You are so loved. Then from your Heart Center, send this loving, healing Light as White Light down into Mother's crystalline core. You need not send it throughout her, as she knows exactly where to send it within her. Feel your connection to her and to all that is as you send this beautiful Grace Light down to her.


Next, call in the Violet Flame from our Beloved St. Germain to permeate through her. Invocation for this: In the name I AM that I AM, by and through the power of the magnetic sacred fire vested in me of God's Divine Love and my I AM Presence, I Invoke and call forth the Violet Flame, and our Beloved St. Germain to Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the violet transmuting flames through Mother Earth Now, Now, Now. Thank him and all of the Ascended Masters and Chohans assisting us and her. Thank you so much for all of your loving help.


Love Diana/Eagle
