This New Moon Planetary/EarthStar Ascension includes the ascension of all life throughout the planet and the soul/spirit/beings of thisAvatar Ascended Living Creation Organism.
It also initiates the Universal Dimensions of this Avatar Universal System of Ascended Life and Creation Civilization.
The Creator Avatar Race is now the Planetary/Universal Ascension Directorate for this era of planetary destiny.
The new EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization are now empowered to create the new Ascended Planetary/Universal Living Creation and Civilization.
Astology as a hoax
Sorry man, but Astrology never made sense to me and now even more so that bigger resonant truths have emerged. In my opinion, astrology is a great way to keep one enslaved, traped, if you will in a state of guilt; using the planets to tell people how to live one's life, or what comes to a person's destiny, thereby bonding the mental self to an outside outhority.
I respect your beliefs and everybody's and not saying they're not true 100%, otherewise I could start to become a closed minded.
Much Love,
-Earth Liberation Movement
that's unenlightened astrology...
look at A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer by Michael R Meyer --
A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer is one of the most influential and widely read books on serious astrology published during the 20th century. It was an immediate success when first published in 1974, and since 1987 it has been regarded as the most highly prized and sought after out-of-print astrological classic. A handbook introduced astrology to a new generation of educated seekers turning to astrology not to know "what will happen and how it can be avoided if it's unpleasant" but to discover their innate potential and life purpose. Readers first exposed to serious astrology through this volume figure largely among today's leading astrologers and astrological writers. The volume not only changed the way we view astrology and what we expect from it, A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer forever changed the look and feel of astrological literature and horoscope graphics. It's concise format and presentation style has been emulated by numerous publications, and its entirely original horoscope graphics, first developed by the author during the 1960's, have been copied (unacknowledged) by countless astrological books, horoscope calculation services and astrology software developers. Founded upon the repeatedly proven premise that anyone can quickly learn the core principles of astrology and put them to use to improve ones life and relationships, A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer intentionally avoids the usual cookbook format in favor of exploring astrology's fundamental concepts and principles. In it and in his other works, such as The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Meyer demonstrates his unmatched ability to make astrology accessible to everyone.
Thanks so much
Its a must check out! I take your word for it. Maybe I cand find it at Star's bookstore!
Much Love,
-Earth Liberation Movement