New Moon In Sagittarius: A Turning Point

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by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are starting a new lunar cycle in Sagittarius on November 29th at 12:18pm Universal Time. Each New Moon brings in a new wave of energy which plays out over the following 29 days. This one is an opportunity for us to work with the Sagittarian energy in new ways through conscious intention and action.

Mercury will appear as if it is slowing down over the following weeks before going retrograde on the 19th, which will last until January 8th. Many of the things that we put in place during the first 3 weeks of December will go through a ‘testing’ phase during the retrograde. Alternatively, this can also be a time where we will be revisiting and adjusting previously conceived structures, goals, and visions.

It is best to keep this in mind because there is a good chance that the trajectory we are on (in the areas being affected by Mercury during this period) will be changed by the time we get to mid or late January. The more we understand that this is a process of adjustment, the more harmoniously we can respond to the feedback we get from the Universe.

Sagittarius: Expansive, Optimistic, Worldly, and Philosophical

sag-tilted-embossed-smallerSagittarius is the sign of freedom and exploration on a quest for experience, truth, and perspective. It likes to look at things from a big picture viewpoint, by synthesizing philosophical beliefs with experiential wisdom, intuition, and ‘connecting the dots.’ Sagittarius is also associated with travel, publishing, teaching, higher education, and marketing.

The potential shadow qualities of Sagittarius include being opinionated and dogmatic regarding beliefs. This sign can also over-exaggerate, be very blunt, and overconfident. Although Sagittarian energy can be lucky, it can also take too much risk without exercising caution or imposing any kind of limitations.

New Moon in a T-Square with the Lunar Nodes and Neptune

The Nodes of the Moon represent a polarity of energies in which certain tendencies of our past and present have an opposite nature towards how we need to apply ourselves to create a more fulfilling future. If we stay in our comfort zone, then our lives don’t progress and our souls don’t evolve. If we listen to what the universe is trying to tell us and we step into a new territory in how we express and apply ourselves, then the doors that can potentially open for us will be much more rewarding.

Neptune in Pisces is at the South Node, which is the part of nodal polarity representing our past. Any negative Neptunian qualities that have created imbalances within ourselves should be addressed. This includes deceptive or delusional behaviour, escapism, fantasizing, self-sacrifice, self-sabotage, and avoiding duties, tasks, responsibilities.

nm-sag-chart-2016The North Node is the direction we need to move towards. It is in Virgo, which is where the most recent Solar Eclipse was, and therefore the push towards embracing Virgoan themes is more emphasized during this period.

Virgo is about doing what needs to be done. Over the last 15-16 months, most of us have been experiencing a more excessive amount of things to do, ultimately forcing us to improve on how he we manage our lives. Alternatively, Virgo also rules health and how we take care of our bodies. If we have been neglecting ourselves in this way, then challenges may have come up to help us be more proactive in taking care of ourselves.

Jupiter In Libra Square Pluto and Trine Mars In Aquarius

During the week leading up to this New Moon, and in the days following, Jupiter (Sagittarius ruler) is in a tight square with Pluto. Jupiter wants to grow and expand horizons while Pluto wants to transform or purge what no longer is working for us.

Jupiter has been in Libra since September (until October 2017) which brings an expansive energy around partnerships, relationships, justice, peace, fairness, and equality. Some people are experiencing a conflict between these themes and Pluto in Capricorn themes which include power struggles, power structures and authorities, outdated traditions and business practices, or having to deal with some sort of manipulation, force, control, or hidden matters. A manifestation of this energy is what has transpired at the Standing Rock protest.

Along with its challenges, Jupiter is also in a harmonious aspect with Mars in Aquarius. This is a great energy for partnerships or collaborations for anything cutting edge and/or beneficial for humanity.

Making Intentions For This New Moon

What needs to die off in your life in order to help you to truly expand the way you need to? What can you do this month to help you to grow further spiritually and learn more about the world? What is the best way to act on your beliefs and ideals? These are just some examples of what your intentions can be based around.

The best time to make your intentions for the Moon cycle is during the first 24 hours following the New Moon but it could even be done within the first 3 days. The closer to the New Moon, the better. The exact time will be at 12:18pm Universal Time (on Nov 29th), and you can click here to find out what it will be in your time zone.

Have you ever had a personal astrology reading? For a limited time, Carmen is offering a 33% discount on personalized readings/consultations based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information.
