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NEW MOON UPDATE 4-10-13 [MOON & SUN UNITED @ 20-degrees Aries.]
~Lena Stevens

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Wednesday, April 10 at 3:36 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

Get clear on your priorities,
examine your energy leaks,
and ruthlessly cut off what does not serve.

This is a very good day to
and make space.

Remember that when you make space, the creativity will naturally flow in to the vacuum.

If you feel stuck, move something. Take a walk, change something in your environment.

This is also a very good time to reset your priorities and create some new goals.

What you put into motion at this time will have great momentum for manifesting. Think and dream big!



ASTROLOGICAL NOTES: Written by Patricia Liles
New Moon • Sun and Moon in Aries 20º Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 3:36 AM MDT (9:36 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

The energy and fire of Spring rising is strengthened by an alignment of multiple planets in Aries at this New Moon. Even though New Moon is the dark of the moon that calls us to attend to our inner soul needs and reset and renew according to the sign where it resides, Aries has little use for cave dwelling and the arts of contemplation! Mars-ruled Aries wants action, adventure, and proof that it exists as an individual free from the cultural restraints of the previous collective signs of winter (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). Aries is a vibrant, masculine, yang energy eager and enthusiastic to begin new ventures, take risks, explore where others have feared to tread, and embody the qualities of the young warrior having left the castle to find his place and what he’s made of out in the world.

In this New Moon chart, six planets are in Aries- Venus in her Amazon Warrior Queen garb, Mars aggressive in his own sign, Eris known as the Goddess of Strife, and the Sun and the Moon providing the solar/lunar power for the whole show. The ideal here would be to bring light and healing to the Divine Masculine and Inner Warrior who protects and serves the Truth and good of all. It is the work of our planet now to rebalance the masculine after more than two thousand years of masculine dominance that has left the planet sorely out of balance with the feminine forces. We know our planet is out of balance; we now are being called to release the dark side of that masculine reign (dominance, separation) and become conscious of healing the planet. At the powerful Winter Solstice point of December 21, 2012, we have passed the point that was as far from the Light as we could get, and we are now shifting toward the long road Home. Let the centered, powerful and dedicated among us break open the shell of the masculine and free that loyal, brave heart. Let the healing tears spill that reside under the anger. Let your creativity and passion lead you on the path of healing and balance. Go where you’re called and create from your alignment with Spirit.

Eris and Mars at 22º Aries within 2º of the Sun and Moon are very volatile. As I write this, North Korea is getting loud and raucous. The US, Japan and South Korea are responding. Eris is in the middle of this. One of the newest dwarf planets added to our solar system in 2005-06 and eventually named after the sister of Ares, Greek God of War. Eris, Goddess of Discord and Strife, loves havoc, contention and rivalry and revels in the bloodshed of war. She caused the Trojan War when she was understandably left off the guest list of an Olympian wedding and instead, rolled in a golden apple inscribed ‘to the fairest’ amidst the three most powerful goddesses creating just the kind of rivalry Eris had hoped for and the outcome was the Trojan War. Even when she was discovered as part of our solar system, it caused a huge uproar in the IAU, International Astronomical Union, and they felt obliged to redefine ‘planet’. As a result, Pluto got demoted and Ceres, The Great Mother asteroid, got promoted. Eris promotes strife wherever she resides. And she resides prominently in this New Moon chart with Mars in Aries and lit up by the Sun/Moon in Aries. We will have to observe just how powerful she is as we don’t often see her so prominently placed as we do in this New Moon in Aries chart. Hopefully, the close proximity of Venus to Mars will have a balancing influence that enhances negotiation and social restraint. This shadow side of the feminine warrants just as much healing as does the masculine.

Pluto moves retrograde on April 12 and continues moving backward from 11º to 8º Capricorn until September. Pluto is the force that evolves us, so we will review what is not serving our highest good and we will grow by letting go and bringing to the light the power that lies in the shadow. Speak your truth. Use the courage of Aries to fuel the new life of fairness and balance that we all feel in our hearts and were sent here to manifest.

Looking forward, be aware at Full Moon next, April 25, we enter a three eclipse package ~ lunar, solar, lunar. A magical time when anything can happen as the heavens reflect to us the perfect alignments of the solar system. Taurus/Scorpio will be our teachers then; our lessons will be in the areas of resources, self worth, what is most valuable to us, where our true power lies and what we need to surrender to reveal it. Sagittarius will guide the final eclipse broadening our vision and challenging our beliefs. Make sure your cup is empty so you can receive the abundant blessings available during this time.

04/19 Sun enters Taurus

04/25 Lunar eclipse/Full Moon Scorpio 5º 1:57 PM MDT

05/09 Solar eclipse/New Moon Taurus 19º 6:29 PM MDT

05/24 Lunar eclipse/Full Moon Sagittarius 4º 10:26 PM MDT

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
