The New Mother Universal Ascended Life

AdiGaia's picture

Message from the Arcturians ~


The Full Moon of Libra with Uranus opposing the Sun and conjuncting the Moon also has Arcturus in conjunction with the Sun, and this allows for much higher dimensional life to enter the planetary dimensions which are opening to their fullest possible extent for the advancement of all life throughout the planet as the planetary ascension process continues according to planetary destiny.  


The many forces and inputs of evolution are now converging into one unified body which is the new original planetary/universal life of avataric destiny for the benefit of the entire creation.


Some of the new components of this new living creation system are now beginning to be functioning as the greater ascended life of planetary/universal service is empowered.


The Arcturians are the primary extraterrestrial sources of spiritual and ascended life for this planetary system, and are the gatherers of the incoming forces and ascended lifestreams to be established as the planet is continuing to ascend and become its own New Mother Universal Ascended Life.