the New Paradigm, the New Earth, the new reality is already created and anchored here.

AdiGaia's picture

Sandra Walter ~ September Gateway: Awareness into Alignment 09/03/2014


Let the intentions rest during gateways. Your focus should absolutely be on the presence of the new light, on being in the now, and leaving the do-ing of the past.

Refocusing on the Solar System

As your multidimensional operating systems expand and your perception attunes to experiencing multiple dimensions at once, please remember your service to Gaia, HUmanity, the kingdoms and elementals right here in our local Solar system. As your level of consciousness expands to include awareness of other planets, galaxies, and star systems, billions of light particles of data flood the brain with new information that it could not interpret or comprehend in the past. Now that you are regaining the ability to interpret these particles of light, which contain information on who you are and what you are up to in other dimensions, it is important to align your focus on this journey and the Shift in consciousness. You utilize your other multidimensional aspects right here.

The new HUman, the True Self now begins to express as the presence of Source through these planetary matrixes. After experiencing amnesia for so long, after so much separation, it is easy to get lost in your multidimensional aspects off-planet, especially as things get more tumultuous energetically and physically for your expression on Gaia. While experiencing other dimensions may be fascinating, it is the through-line, the conduit you are becoming which will hold the strongest influence on the ascension of HUmanity. Always ask for information which applies to the journey right here - to the return of peace, harmony and Divine Love to this civilization. It may be tempting to escape to the higher realms as you experience more of your True Self, however the Mastery challenge here is one of unification. Escapism has its purpose in some journeys, and it is easy for the ego, mind and emotions to convince the body consciousness that is unsafe in this realm. The belief that Ascension or the Shift is unsafe in any way is absolutely untrue, and you will need to comfort your body vehicle as the planetary reality expands with the new light influxes.