~News of Greater Light: Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian~

Lia's picture

We are watched and helped by many star nations, among them the extraterrestrial peoples of the League of Light. Asket speaks of our growing light as a global humanity, of the dangers of trusting those entities who merely pose as benefactors of our race, and of the relationship between us and the League of Light, which is a legacy of goodwiill and peace.

In her own words, Asket says: "I am an interstellar agent of the galactic body of civilizations known as the League of Light. We are working on many projects at this time and the one that I am most involved with at this point is to inform the public about the changes they are facing. Our mission is to support the awakening of the population of Earth and to facilitate that happening without the process being manipulated to your collective detriment. We are on the ground, in the air, and on bases at various undisclosed locations around the world and the solar system. You do not openly see us, but we are nevertheless very present in your day-to-day life. We are working on the long-term goal of helping the human race native to the planet gain the natural rights they hold as galactic humans, to enjoy the freedom they merit as humans within the galactic community, and to forestall any attempts at making such a transformation from enslavement to liberation anything other than as peaceful and tranquil as possible for all involved."

To read more of her mission at this time and in other times, visit Time Transformers: Temmerian Transmissions, http://timetransformers.wordpress.com. There you will find her story and her communications to us.

For the full download from the Pleiadian Renegades and others in service in the League of Light, visit Opalescent Nine: Remembering a New Reality at http://opalescentnine.com.

channeling by Maryann Rada
art by Tim Jones
music "Starfield" by Susperia-Electrica
all works public domain or used with permission



David Porter's picture

~Good luck~

David Porter

Author of the series