No evidence of modern forgery in ancient text mentioning ‘Jesus’s wife’

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In an effort to eliminate knowledge of the Divine Feminine, the Christian Church has long denied that Jesus was married, and even goes so far as to call Mary a "whore". A recent finding by scientists calls all that into question, from the Boston Globe:

New scientific tests have turned up no evidence of modern forgery in a text written on ancient Egyptian papyrus that refers to Jesus as being married, according to a long-awaited article to be published Thursday in the Harvard Theological Review.

The findings support the argument of Harvard professor Karen L. King that the controversial text, the first-known explicit reference to a married Jesus, is almost certainly an authentic document.


The “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” was introduced to the world by King at a conference in Rome 18 months ago. The announcement made headlines around the world, and many of King’s academic peers, as well as the Vatican newspaper, swiftly dismissed it as a fake.

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