by Wes Annac
I’d like to make a note on the current hurricane Sandy, because there’s been a lot of buzz on it and different sources have been saying different things. The idea of weather manipulation will almost always come into play when it comes to powerful weather of this sort, and I can feel that the intensity of hurricane Sandy is catalytically initiating yet another planetary balancing and cleansing, as has been suggested.
I’m sure the dark’s weather warfare attempts and HAARP are not without their role in this hurricane, but from the impressions I’ve received it seems that the dark have not directly caused this hurricane with their weather-warfare technology. I am ‘feeling’ that this hurricane did indeed come about naturally as a much-needed shifting, cleansing and integration period for Gaia that will prove to have mass positive effects in due time [each mega density-clearing event usually does] but, as with much of the weather that has been meant to cleanse and heal collective density, the dark have tried to manipulate the purpose of this hurricane and steer it toward parts of the world where it would be destructive.
As always, they are using the mainstream media to advertise the storm and get us to think that it is the worst, most destructive event that will wreak havoc across the affected areas, and they do this purposefully because they know that we are Creating our realities through the subtle and not-so-subtle beliefs and impressions we let into ourselves, and a lot of people are unfortunately impressionable and will believe a controlled media that is clearly purposely overhyping various matters.
I was even watching a ‘News’ program today if it can be called that, and this program was broadcasting short scenes from various disaster movies such as “The Day After Tomorrow” and “The Perfect Storm” and I remember seeing scenes of giant waves crashing into cities and similar disaster scenes. It was as if any American who was watching was being programmed with images of disaster, just so we will be that much more likely to subconsciously Create such disasters coming about.
As has been suggested by nearly any source who has discussed hurricane Sandy, it is most important that we send this storm our pure Love and our positive intent for a mass amount of collective density to be healed and mended, without the unneeded destruction that the cabals would have us Create and experience with the help of their attempted weather warfare which is, in my view and in the view of many others, being neutralized and rendered nearly obsolete by us and to an extent, our Galactic and Angelic brethren.
A key element of sending this storm Love as well as our positive will and intent, is not worrying that this storm will play-out the way that the dark would like it to. Send this storm your calm, your happines, your Love; you will Create very real ripple-effects that will mitigate this storm while still seeing that it’s intended purpose [healing collective density] is attained tenfold by doing so. To put it simply – don’t worry, be happy now!
At this point, the cabals’ attempts to cause destruction are akin to toddlers kicking and screaming before finally falling asleep. They can likely no longer directly Create storms such as hurricane Sandy, but will do all they can to try and interfere with Sandy’s true purpose: to mend collective density in preparation for the delivering of a reality that is much purer than our current and that is not based in lies, deceit, destruction and fear and is rather based in the underlying principles of unity and collective harmony that we will all understand and see with clearer eyes and hearts in the time ahead.
Wes Annac - Delivering a happy reminder!
Image source:
"I was even watching a ‘News’
"I was even watching a ‘News’ program today if it can be called that, and this program was broadcasting short scenes from various disaster movies such as “The Day After Tomorrow” and “The Perfect Storm” and I remember seeing scenes of giant waves crashing into cities and similar disaster scenes. It was as if any American who was watching was being programmed with images of disaster, just so we will be that much more likely to subconsciously Create such disasters coming about."
This is exactly what TV and movies do and what I have been trying to explain to everyone for years! Thanks for pointing that out Wes
True words!
True words!
Truth Is the Divine Expression of Pure Love.
@ Love... Its either present; or it is not.
Truth is easy to recognize when you spend you entire physical experience anticpating your very reaction to its Expression.
Thank You Sweet Love and Bless You for the lessons you may Bring!!.
This Storm is Much Too Perfect to be man made.